Saturday, October 24, 2009

My second day with a Mac

Just as I was about to pay good money for a word processing program, my daughter let me know that Open Office has a program for Macs, as well as PC's. Now I can read those old poems stored on my external drive. In fact, I can import them to my Mac.
I got totally lost in Iphoto yesterday, naming the faces in photographs and looking at pictures I hadn't thought about in years. I also deleted a lot of crappy pictures that should never have been saved in the first place; I've only just begun this process, so who knows when I'll do any housework; I have pictures going back to 2000. I fretted and worried about how on earth a person is supposed to delete a photo, until I noticed a little trash basket to the left of the pictures. A light turned on in my head, and I proceeded to click and drag the junk pictures into the basket. How cute!
The Mac Mini is made to be used with any keyboard or mouse. Unfortunately, I haven't found any keyboard shortcuts that work with my old Dell keyboard. My new Mac mouse has no right-click button: without keyboard shortcuts or right-clicks, I had no way to copy and paste, or cut and paste. So for now, the old track-ball mouse is connected. If I had it to do over again, I'd just have bought another track-ball; this one doesn't want to roll easily any more, although I have cleaned all surfaces.
Other than that, I'm happy. I've gotten used to clicking out of pages on the upper left-hand corner instead of the right, and searching my computer without going to "my computer" (I like that). Somehow I even discovered yesterday how to check to see how full my hard drive is. Of course today I've forgotten where I found that. But I'll find it again!
I hope this isn't boring my readers to death, but since I sat at this thing for literally hours yesterday, I have little else to report. Eventually I'll come up for air.


  1. Daughters are wonderful and so are new computers. Just have fun exploring and getting to know it!
    I have no doubt that you are never bored anyway

  2. You are addicted.

    Welcome to the Apple Family!

  3. With the Mac Mouse "control click" is a right click.
    Hope that helps. Plus, once you've clicked on a picture in iPhoto... just hit the delete button.

  4. This happens to me every time I get a new computer.... I have to play and check things out and tweek it till it works just the way I want it too. LOL! Glad you are enjoying your new 'toy'.

  5. When you get something new it takes a while to check it all out. I have been using mouses with the red light on the bottom for years. I wore out too many balls LOL. So much easier to use by sliding it along without a pad. Enjoy the day with your new Mac. Helen

  6. No, I am happy to hear about your experiences because I am contemplating getting a Mac too! Glad it is going well.

  7. To heck with the housework. Who'll care 50 years from now.


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