Saturday, October 12, 2024

Health issues

Once you get to a certain age, you expect to have various aches, pains, and other problems.  My husband has something going on, and we've had a hard time finding what is causing the problem simply because the specialist doctor we need can't get to him until November 5.  And I'm not much help to him, because I have dementia and get addled in certain situations.  Our daughter, who is working overtime because this is the time of year that her job is the busiest, came over and helped us get what we needed to know yesterday, and she will accompany Cliff to the doctor next week to see that his needs are met between now and November 5.  

I have been losing simple words since 2020; of course that happens to most old folks.  But so many names, places, and simple words just don't come to mind when I need them.  I can tell you that my closest family members have seen how I can hardly say one sentence without someone helping me figure out the word I need to say, and they know.  In my last blog entry I couldn't remember the word "microwave" and had to go to Google and ask the question, "How can I warm up leftovers?" in order to use the word in my entry.  Thank God for Google, or this blog would already be closed.

I have told my nurse-practitioner (or whatever they call them nowadays) every year since 2020 that I have dementia, and she just says, Oh, just keep reading and doing things.  

I really don't care about being diagnosed anyhow.  Everybody thinks there are pills that help, but the help anyone gets from those pills is insignificant, from what I've seen.  In July I talked to a nurse who is married to one of Cliff's nephews, and she suggested I could get some help from pills, but agreed with me that anything a pill for dementia does is very little, and doesn't last for long.

What I am doing now is taking life as it comes, trying to enjoy life now, and just praying my family isn't too bothered by what I become.  As for myself, I still FEEL like myself; I've even been able to take very slow walks in the pasture again with my dog without my knees aching too badly.

So, if you notice misspelled words in my stories, you will know why.  But as long as I can, I will keep blogging.

 As always, I'm just keeping things real.


  1. Donna, I'm so sorry. I hate to hear that, and I don't know what to say. I'll keep reading if you keep writing! ♥️

    1. I've had 80 years with my wits. Many people don't get that long.

  2. You certainly have my sympathies. Minds are very personal things and not something we want to see get medical issues. But I can attest, your condition doesn't show up in your writing which I enjoy reading from afar.

    1. It take more time for me to blog now, but so far I'm getting it done.

  3. Goodness! You are doing very well with the written word here. Just keep doing what you enjoy. Linda in Kansas

  4. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I’m so sorry. This was where Pat was on our trip when we met you. Little things. If you have not done so yet- get a POA medical and durable giving Cliff and Rachel legal ways to help you in the future. I love you Donna.

    1. Wow! I wouldn't have guessed that at the time.

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I think you are underestimating yourself! Galla Creek

    1. Well, if all my words come back to me at any time, I will tell you you were right.

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    My heart goes out to you and Cliff, Donna. Frankly, as one who cared for my mother with dementia and shoveled the prescribed dementia pills down her, it's my opinion that they honestly don't know if it helps people or not. It's a slow decline and there's nothing they can do to stop it completely. Just keep on being you, doing what you love. I love to read your blog entries. You are still doing well with the majority of your words. Rebecca in SW MO

    1. But look at those 80 wonderful years up to this time, and the people I've met and made friends with and all the animals I've enjoyed as friends..

  7. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I had blood work done and found out I needed potassium, magnesium, vitamin B12 and Vitamin D ‼️ I think the B12 that he prescribed that melts under your tongue has helped me with memory. This is Carlene Noggle.

    1. I'm pretty sure they check me for that stuff on my yearly checkup.

  8. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Since my serious illness last year my memory is awful. I complained to my doctor about it and she told me if I forgot where I put my keys not to worry. It's when I find them and don't know what to do with them, I'm in trouble. 😋 Xx Joanna

    1. I think I've passed that stage already.

  9. You are doing remarkably well, Donna. I enjoy your writing - - which is always logical and interesting.
    Prayers and positive thoughts for you and Cliff.

  10. I think writing a blog is excellent brain exercise, and look forward to reading what you come up with.

    1. I will soldier on while I can.

  11. That would be a frightening scenario to look at, but you are practical, as usual, and I will always be impressed by that. Kathy is right. Blog writing (and reading) is a good brain activity

    1. It isn't so frightening now. I could tell I was losing more words every year, so I am acquainted with my lot. All anyone can do is seize the day.

  12. Yes, seize the day and keep writing and doing what brings you joy. You have a supportive family who loves you and that's key.

  13. I think blogging will help you, so I'm glad you can keep it up. I am on medication that makes me forgetful about things and I end saying, "Please get me some water from the thing that keeps stuff cold." It is aggravating. I wish you many blessings and much joy.

  14. Anonymous2:44 AM

    I think it's pretty smart that you have used Google as a tool to find words that have been misplaced. I'm sorry that you are dealing with this. I will keep you in my prayers. Sending big hugs!
    Marie Pickard


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