Friday, October 18, 2024

Some things aren't fun

My husband sees various doctors at different times: There's the urologist who came with the territory when he had his cancer adventure; a cardiologist, because he had a four-way bypass in 2006; and the regular doctor that we see every year to find out if we can remember three words for ten minutes after drawing a picture of a clock.  Actually, we never see an actual doctor there, because we deal with a very nice nurse practitioner.

However, two weeks ago Cliff had a problem with a UTI, and he's still dealing with the problems related to that.  We have had two very early morning visits to an emergency room ($$$) and one visit to our regular provider.  Oh, and a visit to the urologist office, although we only saw one of his nurses.  We have an appointment with him November 5, so we hopefully can get this whole mess done with.

Meanwhile, we each have a cataract to be fixed.  We had an appointment three weeks ago to go to our first visit with the ophthalmologist.  Unfortunately, we both had covid on that date, so I called and got another appointment.  Wednesday we went, and today we are going back to be prepared for our coming procedures.  We are doing it on the same day, and Cliff's sister will take us and bring us home.

So, if you've wondered why I'm taking so long between blog entries, now you know.    

At least the ophthalmologist is near Costco, so I went in and bought one of their five-dollar rotisserie chickens to have for our noontime meal, and dinner was served. The chicken was still warm, I cooked a big sweet potato from the garden in the microwave, heated up some broccoli, and dinner was ready about thirty minutes after we got home. Yesterday I made a chicken Rice-a-roni casserole with the rest of the bird, and there's enough for two more meals. I might put two servings of it in the freezer until next week so we don't get tired of it.

Speaking of chickens, I saw this in the news yesterday: Thousands of chickens to be culled after Minnesota poultry company faces financial problems,  What a shame all those chickens will die for nothing.  


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Yes, I feel your experiences here, to a certain degree. We have been dealing with a few health issues. Gary's got a pre-cancerous deal going on, I'd had my own issues, and of course we deal with Ellen's type one diabetes issues with insurance allowing or not allowing this or that. And insulin supply shortages. Some things surely aren't fun. Sending up prayers that all goes well and that you both can get cleared up and into a time of peace for a while.


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