Monday, October 21, 2024

It happened at the hairdresser's

Since my Blue-cat died a horrible death, I have pushed the whole part of his dying out of my mind.  Our faithful old 14-year-old Mama Kitty, the outside cat, doesn't hunt anymore: She eats, drinks, and naps.  She has my respect and love for the wonderful mother she was before she was spayed, and also for the way she hunted in her younger years, and went on walks in the pasture with us.  

However, she can't take the place of Blue:  In the first place, our little Cora brought him to me when we were her babysitters.  She chose him for me especially, because I wanted a grey cat.  He almost could fit into one hand, he was so tiny.  He was an inside/outside cat, and didn't need a litter box because he'd go to the door and meow when he needed to go.  

We have never had a cat that was totally a house cat, and I've been scared to get another one and let it live outside even part-time because my heart was so broken when Blue died.  

Saturday Cliff and I went to Style Corner in Buckner because we both needed haircuts.  That lady is about as close from our home as any other hair-cutter, and we like her.  But this was the first time I had met her cat.

Coal-black he was, not a spot of white on his body.  I reached down to pet him, and he decided to be my friend.  I was stroking his back, and I found myself saying, "Oh, I miss my cat."

I was almost ready to cry, but I didn't want to cry in front of my hairdresser, so I held back.  Cliff wasn't paying attention to me:  Since he has Cochlear Implants, he tunes his ears to hear only what's on his phone so he can laugh at comical stuff, and he is literally deaf to everything else.  So yesterday, (Sunday) I was telling him how that black cat had affected me, and I did cry a bit in telling the story.  And he said, "Well then, get a cat.  At this point, I don't care if we have a cat in the house all the time."

And he sounded like he really meant it.  

He enjoyed Blue's kitten days as much as I did.  It was the first time he had even paid attention to a kitten.  And let's face it, the whole world is full of cute kittens at any given time.

So the search is on.  I think I may already have found the one I want, but if not, I know there's one somewhere.      



  1. Kittens are cute, but they get into SO MUCH trouble! I'm happy with our decision to foster an adult cat.

  2. Total house cats certainly have lot longer lives. Ours lived into her early 20's and my grandparent's had one that made it to 24 years old.

  3. I can truly understand your feelings, Donna. Losing a beloved pet is a heartbreaking experience.
    I'm still extremely upset since all three of my cats are deceased.
    When I was in the hospital and rehab, I was away from my home for six months. My cousin was taking care of my only remaining cat Bosco. I couldn't wait to get back home to be reunited with him. When I found out that he died, it was like lightning struck me. He was my only companion.
    I want to get another cat - - and I think you should, too.
    A new cat won't replace Blue...but he/she will be a new companion for you.
    By the way, my cat Bosco was all black and he was so loveable.
    Sorry for this long comment!

    1. I have already settled on not one, but TWO cats. I haven't met them, but at some point between noon and two o'clock, we should be meeting them.

  4. I lost my last cat about the same way you lost Blue . . . we think he was hit by a car and came home with such a terribly broken leg that we had to have him put down. I missed him terribly. I also want another cat, but this time it'll be a totally inside cat. We're going to wait a couple of years though. I just retired and I think we'll wait until we're finished traveling before I look for another cat.

  5. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The reminded me you haven’t mentioned your goats lately. NR

    1. I feed them every day, and most days I sit with them in the chair out there. The young one keeps me laughing.

  6. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I know how it is. I miss Susie Kitty and she's been gone for several years now. I too am looking for another Kitty and I will know when it's the one and so will you.

  7. Call up and visit Wayside Waifs. They have all kinds of cats and can match one with how you live. (Yeah, my kid is a vet there...) It'll be spayed, with shots, and a microchip, all ready to come live with you. Linda in Kansas

    1. I have gotten several dogs there. But we are living on Social Security now, and FREE works better for us. Yes, we will have them both neutered, and that probably costs as much as I would pay at Wayside Waifs, but it's at least a 45 minute drive from us, and these babies need love too.

  8. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I have always loved cats. They were my best friends as a child and through the young mom years. I developed an allergy when I was 17, but still loved them. As I got older, the allergies worsened and I could not even have them in the house. I love that you will get another (2?) Enjoy every moment! Blessings, Penny

  9. I'm so happy to hear this, Donna! I love my black cat so much and she is great company. They do make leashes and harnesses for cats; my daughter takes Ziggy out in the back yard sometimes. (except that now he always wants to go outside)


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