Cliff was having a hard time breathing in early 2021, to the point that he could barely walk from the house to the shop. That's when our regular doctor made an appointment for him with a pulmonologist.
That doctor prescribed two inhalers to use, plus a pill; I thought they helped, because at least he has been able to go to the shop and do a few things. However, he's always had trouble with the inhaler; he said it made his throat sore all the time, and wouldn't use it regularly. He still says the inhalers do nothing for him.
His first pulmonologist really didn't do any sort of tests on him, although he did have him get a chest X-ray. I think he just asked him questions, and decided he had asthma. Two or three months ago, that doctor retired, leaving us to find another specialist.
I didn't go with Cliff to his appointment, but he said two different nurses ran all kinds of tests on him before he actually saw the doctor, tests that he'd never had before. According to what they found out, the doctor said he doesn't think Cliff has asthma. He thinks the problem might be pulmonary thrombosis. So Cliff will get a scan of his chest (CT scan? Cliff doesn't remember medical words very well) and will see him after that. The pulmonologist thinks the reason the inhalers hurt his throat is because he doesn't have asthma.
I suppose that means Cliff will need to go to his heart doctor if he doesn't have asthma.
I think I'll go with him next time.