I would like to thank "anonymous", whoever she is (I'm assuming it's a woman, because 95% of my readers are). This particular Anonymous left a comment recommending the puzzles on Kappapuzzles.com; thanks to this person, my husband is happy to have his crossword puzzles back, and I'm messing around with the daily crossword a little myself, although I haven't finished one yet. Why? Because I enjoy the word search more than the crossword. It's hard to tell what else I'll find, when there are so many different word games there.
I wanted to tell my readers about the website: there are no ads except their own, and they're not bothersome. If you like word games, this is for you. I will mention that you should register with your email and a password, so if you leave the site before you've done all the puzzle and come back to finish, what you've done will still be there. Cliff was rather unhappy yesterday when he'd almost finished the crossword, left it, and then came back to find he'd have to do it all over again (which he didn't do, and I don't blame him).
It's less that two weeks until Cliff has his cochlear implant put in. It amazes me how fast time flies, even in the winter season. I'll be glad when it's over, and I'm praying for good results. Of course, for a month we won't know how well it works, and he'll be totally deaf; then he'll get the outside thingie that makes the inside thingie work. That's a real scientific statement right there, isn't it?
I just put in my half-hour on the recumbent bike, and now Cliff is taking his turn. I had skipped a couple of days, and if I let that happen too much, it's hard to get back to it. My knees do so much better when I ride the bike daily. I can't get the friction up too high or it hurts my knees, but I can keep it at an easier setting and go faster. This is the best exercise bike we've ever had, bought on Amazon in 2016. It's been used a lot, and still as good as new. It's a Schwinn, and is worth it's weight in gold to us. I've had three or four cheaper bikes, and they don't last long if you actually use them, which most people don't. The Schwinn keeps on going, and even if something goes wrong with it, the parts are replaceable. We both read as we peddle, and that makes the time fly. Cliff can't walk for exercise any more, and I can't walk as much as I used to. Without the bike, we'd just sit around and get weaker, especially in winter.
Well, when I started this I didn't realize I'd be advertising Schwinn and Kappapuzzles, but that's about all I had for today. I always appreciate the people who help me out and give me suggestions. Anonymous, I hope you're reading this, and if you don't mind, you might let us know your name.
Anonymous left a comment on this entry. Her name is Kaye.