Saturday, January 25, 2025

Weather, the Chiefs, a Cat picture, and a book. Ho-hum

I never know where I will find my cats, but this one takes the cake.  I think she was just waiting for me to take a picture.  I used to milk into that bucket when I had my Jersey cows;  For the last couple of weeks, I've been using it to take warm water out to the goats.  It was 3 degrees yesterday when I went out, but we finally got above freezing later in the day.  Next week, look out, because we will see the 40's and 50's again and I just may be able to go for a walk.

Of course we here in the Chiefs' Kingdom can't wait to see if they go to the Superbowl again!  Did you know the Chiefs have a guy in Nashville who writes parodies about them practically after every game, and sings them on Facebook?  His name is Blane Howard, and he's always been a Chiefs fan.  He's handsome, too.

I'm almost scared to watch the game, because we all know what goes up must come down sometime or other.  The Chiefs weren't playing their best this season, and yet they only lost one game.  Haters say it's because the referees help them.  Sometimes I wonder about that myself.

OK.  What else?  I'm reading Confronting the Presidents, by Bill O'Reilly; he knows how to make history interesting.  One thing I've noticed is that there were a lot more bad presidents than good ones... sometimes four or five of them in a row.  It's a good book, but it isn't something I can sit down and read for hours.  I won't get it done, because it's a long book and I'm barely over halfway reading it, with only seven days before it goes back to the library.  I will put it on hold again, though, because I'm just now up to Kennedy, and I have a feeling the best (or worst) is yet to come; there aren't that many more presidents to go, and there are lots more stories to tell about this group if they are going to take up half of the book!


  1. Sounds like an interesting book. Years ago I started a project to read a biography on every American president in order but I got stalled out after about the first dozen books. I made too many wrong selections where they were intent on detailing every single instant of their lives instead of just giving me a general overview that I was looking for.

    Fortunately for me, I was born in a non-sport oriented household with no television. I will cheer for the Chiefs, or the Packers, my two closest team if they are playing in the Superbowl but I have no skin in the game so don't really fret the outcomes.

    1. I'm really not a football fan. I'm a CHIEFS fan. I pay very little attention to other teams except for how they do with the Chiefs.

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I read that book and enjoyed. Even tho he’s a Republican lol.

    1. I wouldn't have known that. I like how he tells about the wives and children of the presidents. So many children and wives died from Typhoid fever and tuberculosis..

  3. I remember when the Seattle Seahawks were brief Superbowl stars. It was a fun time!

    1. The Chiefs have been stars at least since 2020. I'm really not a football fan, just a Chiefs fan. And only since 2020 when I fell in love with some of the team, and especially Andy Reid.

  4. I'm cheering for the Commanders since they have ties to the Seahawks. (but I don't really care) I'm glad your weather is warming up. I think ours is supposed to also. We're only in the 20s but it's COLD for us.

    1. Yes, those Commanders surprised us.

  5. Bettina1:46 PM

    Fingers crossed for the warmer weather next week!! Can't you renew the O'Reilly book?

    1. There is a waiting line, so when everybody that is in line ahead of me has it, then I will get it back, and it will be on the last page I had when it went back to the library. It's a newish book, so lots of people want to read it. If nobody else was waiting to get it I could renew the loan immediately. But at least I don't have to pay anything to get books! If I had to use Kindle, I couldn't afford to their books.

    2. Bettina10:56 PM

      Love having a library!! Waiting for my Reading challenge cup to arrive!

  6. Our Eagles play first tomorrow. The area is in a frenzy. The hype IS fun with everything being lit up green and everyone dressed in Eagles colors. I also like the Chiefs,because of Andy. He seems so much happier now than when he was in Philly. His life then was consumed with sons on drugs and all the problems it causes. It might be Eagles and Chiefs-for the big game. Won’t that be a hoot. May the best man win.

  7. Unique looks a little pail. Perhaps a trip to the vet is in order? Since Tim's Steelers are out, we'll be rooting for the Bills. Well...he will. I'll be finally taking down my Christmas tree, as shameful as it is to admit.

  8. Big party at Donna's house!!! Congratulations on your win. That game was hard fought, right til the very end.

  9. Oh dear! I came here certain to see a celebratory post from you!


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