We live in the country, and when Gabe needs to go out, I just open the door and let him go. But when a coyote hunter put this picture on Facebook, it reminded me that an 18-pound dog would make a good meal for a coyote. We are having a real winter so far this year.
After seeing that picture, I also remembered losing my cat Blue to some kind of creature last year and decided from now on, I'll leash Gabe and go out with him when it's dark.
Seems like we get two or three really cold days, then the thermometer gets up in the thirties and the snow melts down some. Then the cold makes the snow hard on top so you can hardly walk anywhere without getting stuck; when I'm walking Gabe, I have a flashlight in one hand and the leash in the other and just pray I don't fall.
Every morning I've been turning the lights off in the house around 6:45 A.M. so I can see each day getting a minute or so longer. Today and tomorrow we'll be in the forties, then it's back to lows around zero.
Monday we will go see how well our eyes are working now that we each have had cataract surgery. Then I will get an appointment for my left eye. Cliff has decided he doesn't want to get his other eye fixed until it gets worse.
That's all I have this time. Over and out.
I don't live in the country; I'm in a suburban housing development, yet many nights I hear coyotes howling. Being Washington we have pockets of woods everywhere and have chased the wildlife into increasingly small areas of them. People around here constantly wonder on internet sites like Next Door why their indoor/outdoor cats are disappearing. It's not really a mystery. :(