Wednesday, January 29, 2025

An interesting walk

Finally, I woke up to a day knowing I could take some kind of a walk in the pasture with Gabe.  By nine o'clock it was 32 degrees with little or no wind, so when I went out to feed Mama Kitty and the goats, I decided to go on and walk.  I knew I wouldn't go too far: for one thing, I didn't want to walk on the hilly places where the trees won't let the ground thaw.  I'd be falling for sure.  And besides, I have to build up to a longer walk after two or three weeks of not being able to go out except to tend to the animals.  

So I stayed on the level and let Gabe roam around a bit; he usually keeps me in sight.  I imagine I didn't walk more that 20 minutes, but I sure was happy to be out in the sunshine with my dog... until two coyotes came trotting over the hill perhaps sixty yards away from us.  They ignored us, but Gabe was about twelve feet away from me.

Gabe is not the brightest dog, nor does he always listen when I say "come".  Especially when he hasn't been able to walk with me for so long!  I started trying to get his attention, but he was busy smelling something on the ground and ignored me.  Here's the thing:  If Gabe sees another dog, no matter how big it is, he chases it.  For a long time I just knew the neighbors' German Shepherds would be the death of him, but these days they keep then in hand.  He'd run toward them growling and barking as though he would kill them, and they'd head toward him growling and barking.  Whew!

Finally I got down on the ground and he came, without ever seeing the coyotes, and I picked him up until they were out of sight and went to the house.  I know, without a doubt, that he would have run to his death.

We took another short walk in the afternoon... with Gabe on a leash.



  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    So many predators are out there. Humans and animals have to stay alert.

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I’ve always worried about coyotes when walking our Border Collie, but so far she’s never chased them and they always avoid us. Rebecca in SW MO

    1. I seriously doubt they would bother a Border Collie.

  3. Little dogs are like little men on the playground. They think they have something to prove I guess with all the "bark".

  4. Oh my gosh! I have never seen a coyote while out walking. That would have been terrifying. Lucky that Gabe is oblivious. Did the coyotes pay any attention to you or him?

    1. Coyotes seldom bother humans, but they have been known to. Right now is their breeding time, so they are a little more dangerous now. I'm sure they looked at me, but I didn't see it. They weren't coming toward us, but they don't miss much. Real coyotes aren't anything like Wily Coyote in the cartoons.

    2. Did you hear about the man in Eastern PA who was attacked by a rabid bear, of all things?

  5. Carlene8:49 AM

    That was too much close for comfort!! Those coyotes would have killed little Gabe had he chased them. I don't blame you for putting him on a leash.

    1. He's pretty good on a leash anyway. He doesn't usually pull against it too much.

  6. I'm glad you were able to get Gabe to safety.

    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Me too! …..Dee from NE Tennessee where coyotes are everywhere now it seems .( My dad died in 1971, and he would be astonished now to see all the deer, bears and those blasted coyotes that seem to be everywhere. ) So thankful you got Gabe (and yourself) to safety . I am guessing that they may have been more than two coyotes nearby. I don’t trust them for one second .

  7. I've seen one coyote on my walk but I do hear them. So my Mari is strictly indoor.

    1. We see them pretty often in the pasture when we look out the window. Years ago I watched one grab my male goose from the edge of the pond and run away with it.

  8. Coyotes can do a lot of damage. One year we lost a cow and several calves to a pack.


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