Sunday, April 05, 2009

Patrick's Sunday Seven

Here is this week’s “Sunday Seven” question. Either answer in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your blog (with a link here), and then comment here with a link back to your blog so that everyone else can visit! Enjoy!

Name seven things in your life right now that you are grateful to have.

Either answer the question in a comment at Patrick's Place or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment at Patrick's Place. (To be considered “first to play,” a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.) You may include this link in the URL space when leaving your comment, or in the comment itself. As long as it’s there in one spot or the other.

1. An actual view out my window, which I didn't have at the old house.

2. Our health

3. My dog, who daily makes me laugh out loud

4. My marriage of almost 43 years

5. the Internet: blogs and news and games and Internet friends and all it involves.

6. my kids and grandkids, cousins, aunts and uncles, and all relatives, living and dead.

7. our DVR (sorry, but it's still such a novelty to me, I can't stop thinking about it).


  1. 1. My health (such as it is).
    2. My wife and daughter.
    3. My two favorite dogs.
    4. The rain and thunderstorms going on just outside my door.
    5. That I have a job I somewhat enjoy.
    6. The internet and the blogging community.
    7. The fact that I only have a couple of leaky spots in my roof. (weak grin)

  2. Lindie10:27 AM

    I realy like my DVR too!

  3. I could've written that list! Amazing! I love my DVR, usually I fall asleep before a show is over so now I tape it just in case. I would miss my cable though, I love the cooking channel and HGTV plus Animal Planet and The Learning Channel.

  4. You know, Tivo may well be one of the greatest inventions ever! :)

  5. A great list, Donna! And I, too, love our DVR. With going to bed around 7 pm, we'd miss out on SO much if we didn't have ours. On second thought, there really isn't all that much to miss out on, HA! But I have tons of "SpongeBob Squarepants" recorded for my grandboys.


I love comments!