In the comment section of a previous entry, Julia asked, "How big is your yard anyhow? Do the morels grow in the woods or out in the yard? Because in your pictures I never see any trees, just lots of flat land, so I am a little confused. Do you have to walk a lot to get to the mushrooms or are they right there?"
I blogged about our property and added the above Google Earth image HERE. Google Earth hasn't updated lately, so our mobile home doesn't show in the picture.
Julia, the mushrooms are found on our very steep hillsides in wooded areas, especially around dead trees. Often where you find one, you'll find several nearby. Click HERE to read more about morels in Missouri.
Our property is anything but flat. Perhaps you have seen the pictures I take down by the river when I'm riding my horse; it's flat as a flitter down there. From the highest point on our land to the lowest, there's a difference in elevation of 151 feet. If you want some good exercise, come on down and we'll walk from the top to the bottom, and back up again.
I just looked at the link for the morels. I know for a FACT you will never ever find ME sneaking about stealing them, eewww. You couldn't give them to me. ACCK!