Sunday, April 19, 2009

Biker Sunday

I have a few pictures taken this morning, Biker Sunday, at Heart of God Fellowship.

The round-faced, smiling lady standing beside her bike is my former hair-dresser; she could get my hair cut in five minutes, and do it well. That's her bike with the Bible verse on it. One of the things they do on Biker Sunday is bless the motorcycles individually. Connie, her husband, and another couple, just happened to be the "blessers" when we went out. We all held hands and she said a wonderful prayer for us and our Gold Wing.


  1. Thanks for sharing. It looks like a great turn out!

  2. What a good thing for all of you to do. Helen

  3. I have been reading your blog for awhile cause I read it before the heart attack. I has been 3 years?

  4. should say it has beeb 3 years?

  5. been 3 years. i am asleep.

  6. Indeed it has been three years, Patsy. Three years ago yesterday (Sunday) was the date of his surgery.

  7. Whenever I read about your motorcycle rides it sure makes me feel nostalgic for our BK days - "Before Kids" - when we had one and used to go for rides all over the place. Once the babies came along, tho, we sold the motorcycle. Many of Dear Hubby's friends are having their Midlife Crises and buying Harleys. I don't think that'll ever be in OUR budget but I sure wouldn't mind having another motorcycle someday.

  8. We had our bike Blessed on Saturday

  9. Stopping by your door on my way out. I managed to get as far back as the Oleo and the Oreo. Thanks for letting me in. I've enjoyed myself and I want you to know that.
    Blue cows.... Now really?

  10. Blessing of the Bikes. What a great idea. Sort of like Blessing of the Fleet when they go out to fish.


  11. We have a new biker church at our church. I am not sure when the service is but it seems to be growing.


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