Saturday, January 17, 2009

getting older and dying

I was referred to an article through Dr. Kevin's blog that is quite thought-provoking. I read things like this:

"Everyone wants to grow old and die in his or her sleep, but the truth is that most of us will die in pieces. Most will be nibbled to death by piranhas, and the piranhas of senescence are wearing some very dull dentures"

"This isn't about euthanasia. It's not about spiraling health care costs. It's about the gift of life -- and death. It is about living life and death with dignity, and letting go"

"At some point in life, the only thing worse than dying is being kept alive."

Read the entire article HERE.


  1. We don't have a choice for sure, but the gift of life in all it's forms is a treasure for sure.
    'On Ya'-ma

  2. I find that so true. We have these people in the nursing home that are living zombies and we just keep the pills and food coming to keep them alive as long as possible. Who knows what agony they go thru.

  3. I have a real ethical issue with keeping people alive when they should be allowed to go. That's why I'm now working Hospice.


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