Monday, March 22, 2010

It's true! Spring is here!

I don't remember what all I planted last fall, but I think this must be a crocus; please correct me if I'm wrong.  The snow melted and there it was, a bright spot in a soggy yard.  It's such a tiny little thing, it's a wonder I didn't miss it completely.  

The tulips have all emerged; I hope they wait to bloom until April, when my friend Joanna is here.  
The temperature is 52 at 4 P.M., so I took my baby tomato plants out for a walk and left them in the sun for awhile.  They'll get another breath of fresh air tomorrow, when it's supposed to get up into the sixties.   Maybe they won't look so pale after some sunshine.


  1. You were right about your flower. It's warmer there than here. Right now is is only 43º. It didn't snow here or if it did I didn't see any but it did a few miles away.Helen

  2. Looks like a crocus to me.

  3. Your tomato plants look great-mine are still much smaller.

  4. The crocus is so pretty! Mine have already been and gone now.

    The tomatoes look great! You are prepared for the garden!


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