Friday, October 17, 2008

The pay-it-forward challenge, looking back

This is all the corn bread that was left after dinner yesterday; Cliff's sister, Rena, came over to eat with us. Still, I think we three ate too much, don't you? Notice that nice dark, crispy crust on the bottom of each piece. That's what a cast-iron skillet does for corn bread. This would really be good in a bowl with milk poured over it (what, you've never had corn bread and milk?). There was a decent serving of beans left, so I imagine that will be Cliff's lunch to take to work today... which means he gets one of these pieces of corn bread. The other two are my supper!

Oh yes, I froze half the beans I cooked for a quick meal on another day.

Last winter I found the pay-it-forward challenge on Sliding Through Life, and signed up to participate. A few weeks later, when I had forgotten all about it, I received a box with some nice (and useful) items. What fun! I love to get packages. So then it was time for me to think about what I'd send my three participants. I thought for a long time, obviously, because I just got around to sending them their goodies last week, almost eight months after they signed up. I'd recommend this little game to anyone, despite the high price of postage (good grief, postage cost more than the contents of the packages were worth). Robin is raving about the beef sticks from my local butcher shop that were included in her box, and I'm thinking I might have a drawing one of these days for a package or two of those, here on my blog. They don't have to be refrigerated, so it's something that can be mailed. Keep it in mind.

I anticipate each day when we're having the kind of weather we're getting now. Crisp, sunny days with the leaves slowly changing color. These are perfect days, and I thank God for every one of them.


  1. Oh man... Cornbread and milk! My grandfather used to love to have that in the evening if Gram made cornbread for supper. Mmmm! Mmmm!

  2. just made up my mind about dinner! Oh how I love cornbread...and beans, or pink eye purple hull cowpeas, or wilted greens salad, or fresh tomatoes...(and the list goes on, and on, and on)..but with milk definately! You make it like I do...crispy on the bottom (I make the salty not sweet sort)

  3. The cornbread looks great!! My mother loves to have cornbread and milk (sometimes buttermilk) as a snack before bed sometimes. I'll have to check into the Pay it forward Challenge. It sounds like fun actually.

  4. I haven't had cornbread and milk in years. It was a favorite of my parents. My mom would make it for dinner every now and then. Cornbread and milk and butter beans all mixed together. I miss cornbread made in a skillet. Now I am hungry!

    Thanks for the comment on the puppy-Jeff

  5. I think I need to buy a cast-iron skillet to make that cornbread. That looks so good.


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