Thursday, October 09, 2008

About this recession (or depression)

The optimist fell ten stories.
And at each window bar
He shouted to his friend below:
“I'm all right so far!”

Author unknown

That's me, in these troubled times. I'm all right so far.

My parents got married in 1932, in the middle of the Great Depression. They worked for a pittance as hired farm hands.

They survived, and went on to have good and happy lives.

I come from a long line of survivors. So does my husband.


  1. Good for you!

    The financial crisis is affecting everyone in this world definitely... only when and how intense that it actually is going to be felt by the individual.

    Everyone is bracing to ride this recession, hoping to survive unscathed if possible.

    Here, I especially hope the worst it would be is a wage freeze instead of a retrenchment... not the company's fault, but may be a necessity for it to survive beyond this dark period.

    Take care.

  2. Ah success: I found you! This is diff s/n but I'm still Boo.

  3. My folks went through the Great Depression, too.
    I was born in 1938 at the almost end of the depression and just before WW2 and we all made it!
    Like your folks mine had a good life.
    Hugs, Grams

  4. great attitude; we will get through these times with the help of God; I feel sorry for everyone going through tough times, but I especially feel sorry for those who are still living who remember going through the depression and I know there are people out there; I bet they thought it wouldn't happen again :(


  5. We used to tease my grandmother about saving and eating EVERYTHING but they went through hard times when you had to save everything usable. We would send the ham bone down to her for pea soup and the turkey bones for soup. I think we all are going to have to tighten up a bit.

    Enjoyed your pictures. The one of them riding the cow is priceless!

  6. That's kind of how I'm feeling about it. There's not much I can do, and we're hanging in there. My parents were children during the depression, and of course had plenty of their own personal "depressions" during their marriage, and they always got through them. I guess we'll do what we can and try not to let it get us down too much.

  7. Goes back to the saying that money can't buy happiness. Some of the most unhappy people I know have lots of $$.


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