Tuesday, March 31, 2009


A mother throwing a birthday party for her fourteen-year-old daughter got the teenage guests drunk.

Click HERE to read the whole stinking story.

This happened near Kansas City.


  1. That is truly horrible.

  2. I can't believe that any mother would do that. If mine every drinks it won't be because I gave it to him.

  3. That was a horrible story. She doesn't sound like much of a mother to me. Those girls need guidance not someone to push them on. Helen

  4. Ugh. UGH. You spend nine months watching what you eat and trying to be healthy; you spend the next fourteen years raising and protecting and nurturing your child to become a great person in their later years... and then you what?
    I don't THINK so.

  5. Believe it or not Donna, there are elements in this country that believe in doing this to children, their excuses are "It's in front of me and not at someone elses house" and "they're going to do it anyway" and "Id rather them learn to drink at home"......The attitude is prevelent in all walks of life, just not spoken about......to me it's just a disgusting thing to do to a child.
    loop over with her rant

  6. Shelby is fourteen. How anyone can think these children should be allowed alcohol is beyond me. I can't believe my baby girl is fixing to get her learners licence to drive in October this year! Much less think she is old enough to consume alcohol. What was that mother thinking?


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