Thursday, March 30, 2023

Beam me up, Scotty

I just know I'm going to have to stop following certain people on Facebook before long.  Maybe you have seen this?  I've seen it posted twice.

 How can that compare with an assault weapon like the ones the killer took to the school in Nashville this week?  NOBODY needs to own an assault rifle.


  1. I've been seeing it too--lately from a Mormon friend. So, if that rock could quickly kill numerous children (and adults), wouldn't we make sure that the bad hands couldn't get a hold of one? Wouldn't we have all sorts of rules and regulations governing who could have a rock and how big/powerful it could be?

  2. My contention is that instead of focusing on the rate of killing children, which focusing only on assault rifles does, perhaps we should focus on the why people are killing children. If perhaps someday assault rifles are banned and after several generations pass to get them out of circulation, children will still be dying with rifles and handguns that can still pump out dozens of bullets a minute because we focused so hard on a band aid instead of a solution.

    1. Well, that's what we do with most of our problems... put a bandaid on it instead of fix things. it's always demented people who do the killing, and with so many guns of all types everywhere, how can we keep the guns from the crazies?

    2. The arguing here is about semantics. 'Assault weapon' becomes just another point to be argued. High capacity magazines and guns that can fire multiple rounds per second have no place in a civilized society. Esp in the hands of an 18 year old, or someone with a history of violence or irrational behavior. It is common sense.

  3. I think Goliath would likely disagree with the good rock analogy.
    If all those school shooters had been armed only with rocks many little children would not have been massacured.
    USA is the only devoloped country in the world today that allows our school children to be massacured in this manner.

    1. It's a mess. I'm ashamed of how things are going in this country.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I am too, Donna! But as someone else said, "no one needs an assault weapon. And this is Margie, not anonymous!

  5. Focusing on mental health sure isn’t working. That’s just verbiage. We need action. Better background checks aren’t working. An AK-47 can fire about 600 rounds a minute. The purpose of these guns is to kill many and fast.

  6. Monica5:39 PM

    I agree with you 💯.
    It's shameful :(

  7. Oh Donna. My little iris was excitedly telling me about visiting her kindergarten class and how she will be riding the bus next year. I wanted to be excited for her, but what I felt was sick. No one needs a weapon that shoots a hundred rounds a minute. No one needs high capacity magazines. I am tired of hearing people explaining why it can't be fixed.

  8. We're in a terrible place here. I weeded most of those folks from my FB page long ago, so I hadn't seen this particular meme. I know you can kill someone with your bare hands, but that takes a little while. You can't kill 17 people in a minute like you can with one of those rifles.


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