Friday, February 15, 2008

The next-blog button, revisited

Last October I mentioned going on a blog-jog by way of the next-blog button, up there in the top, left-hand corner of this page. I kept coming onto porn sites, and it was obvious my browser had been hijacked, because I was being directed back to the same porn blogs, over and over.

Blogger has obviously changed something, because I've blog-hopped a lot this afternoon and not found a single porn site (no, I was NOT disappointed at this). I've come upon several blogs in other languages, which is understandable; and I have noticed a disproportionate number of blogs by Mormons, but that's no problem in my book.

So in case you had not tried that next-blog button lately, let me assure you that it seems to be safe nowadays.


  1. I haven't tried it for quite a while just for that reason. I was always afraid they could link back to me but it never happened. I'll have to give it another try.

  2. You left a comment on my blog and I was wondering who you are.

  3. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! I blog hop from time to time as well, and have also noticed the recent lack of porn sites. It's nice to find something other than porn! LOL

    ~ Shanan

  4. The other problem with the "next blog" button is that you can pick up other bugs too; one site corrupted my Windows Media Player, even though I have very high settings on my browser so that I can't even accept cookies without it asking me on every page.

    I think a good way to find new reads is to use the "favorite websites" or links from blogs that you already frequent. It may not be safer, but it feels safer.

  5. I used the Next Blog button before, and found lots of foreign blogs, none for porn so far... not disappointed?

    Tried the button today and found the same foreign blogs and a newly started blog called "What's new with the Newmans" who just received a baby today they named her Molly. Beautiful baby.

    Thanks for reminding. Nice discovery again with the tool.

  6. Oh yes, I did the 20-Questions MP3-Shuffle meme. Interesting results.

    Thanks for the meme and linking me in your blog. Have a great weekend.


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