Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My blog, up for grabs on the stock market?

I enjoy using my Sitemeter to see who's been visiting my blog. I could fix it so nobody could see the information except me, but what the heck. I don't care if you click on it and come to the sad realization that at least half my hits come from people who stumbled in here looking for porn by way of Google.com, and that most of them stay for zero seconds when they realize they had better re-word their search.

They make my hit count look good, so who am I to complain? I tell myself that lots of people are reading this through Bloglines, so their visits don't even show up on the counter (that's how I read all my favorite blogs, unless I want to comment). It probably all evens out.

Yesterday I noticed someone had come here by way of Blogshares, something I had never before heard of. So of course I went there to check it out.

Hmmm, a fantasy blog share market. The best I can discern, you pretend to own shares in a blog, I think. And you can sell your shares. The value can go up and down.

Well, in the first place, I'm surprised that anyone would invest in this blog, even in their fantasies. Come on, this isn't Pioneer Woman. But then I realize that the shares to this humble abode probably sell at a very low price, rather like penny stocks.

That's me, the poor man's index fund.

I don't think I want to know what's happening with the shares to my blog.


  1. That surprised me the first time someone came over from there. I haven't checked on mine in a while. Maybe I should invest. :D

  2. Hi there! I found you through a comment you left at Ashley's Closet and wanted to let you know I'm enjoying reading about your life. The images of your mother's treasures, and the stories that go with them, are wonderful. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I'll be sure to stop by again :)

  4. I've stumbled here from Imran's Blog.
    Not being very tecnology minded I've not worked out how to import a site meter - I'd love to know who stumbles over at my place!!

  5. I guess I don't know how to use my sitemeter as it just gives me numbers and nothing else. How do you find out all of this other stuff???

    Be sure and stop by and pick up a couple of awards I have for you! You truly inspire me with the way you work with your horses and your dedication to them so please take the awards!

  6. This blogging stuff just gets more interesting all the time! I KNOW that no one would buy stocks in mine!!

  7. Penny Stocks!

    I barely have hits in mine. I'd be the laughing stock if I try selling blogshares in mine.

  8. Very interesting...I will have to check that out!

  9. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Oh, well, checking out that site meter of yours...you are doing WAY better than me...I think my daily average is something like 40. That's a good day. I had NEVER heard of blog shares and while I do love watching stats I have to say it: The honest truth: That sounds like a waste of time...

  10. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Didn't come here looking for porn. lol Came here to learn what Secret is up to these days. Paula


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