Friday, September 06, 2024

Yesterday was a happy day!

Thanks for reading my daughter's story.  And Rachel, thank you for doing it, because I have not had anything to talk about lately... until NOW.  Also, I love you.  

So let me tell you about what a wonderful thing happened a week ago.  In 2009 I bought a washer without an agitator and hated the thing from day one.  It was a top-loader, which may have been why it didn't work very well, but our clothes came out as if they hadn't even been washed.  I bought other products that got them a bit cleaner, but a person shouldn't have to do that.  I know many people who love high-efficiency washers, but mine just wasn't much good.  However, I made the best of it.  Every once in awhile it would put some code up to let me know something was wrong, but I would do one thing and another and get it going again.

Finally, it gave me a code I couldn't figure out how to fix, and the code supposedly wanted me to call a certain phone number.  I have had to put up with that lemon for fifteen years, so I had Cliff take me to Home Depot to get a new washing machine with an agitator.  Of course, I had to wait a week for them to deliver it, but we had enough clothes to wear until it showed up.

Apparently this machine, a Maytag, is also a high efficiency model, according to the information that came with it.  I had assumed that HE meant no agitator.  So it still doesn't waste more water than is needed on the clothes, just like the one I got rid of.  But I was amazed when some kitchen towels that had stains from long ago came out of the washer without stains.  Yes, it was a good day.

It doesn't take much to make my day.  Like my young goat, Louise.


  1. Betty3:39 PM

    I purchased both items a year or so ago. Since I live alone, not on the farm, etc. I didn't need one that had all the options, just me and extra sheets/towels when I have company. Mine are the lower priced GE models. Like you, I was surprised how bright and clean the clothes looked and love, love the precise fill.

    1. I don't want bells and whistles either

  2. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I have a washer with no agitator. I’m afraid I’ll die before it quits. I hate it.

    1. Exactly how I've felt for years.

  3. I have an ancient machine with an agitator and want to pre-decease it.

    1. At your age, you should get yourself a new washer. You are still YOUNG.

  4. I hate my no agitator washer. I bought it thinking it could wash comforters. It can, but it doesn't get anything clean. If this washer ever dies, you can bet the next one will have an agitator!


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