Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Nothing much

Once again, I am reading a book I hate to put down:  The River, by Peter Heller.  When I started reading it, I learned it was about two college guys who shared their love for the great outdoors, going on a canoe trip in northern Canada.  I'm not even halfway through it, but already they are facing fire, white water, and violence.  

I love the plot, although there is a lot of talk about canoes that I read, but really don't understand; I'm not going to be going canoeing any time soon, and it would take a whole other book to understand everything about canoes!  I've read many paragraphs like the one below, because I don't want to miss anything that might be associated with the main plot:  

"Jack set a hard pace and they paddled in perfect sync.  On the lakes above they'd had all the time in the world and so had paddled expedition-style, with the sternman finishing his stroke with a slight twist of the shaft and the paddle's power face arcing outward, the J-stroke.  It kept the canoe straight.  It was invented long ago because physics dictated that a stroke in the stern had much more steering power than a stroke in the bow..."

You get the picture.  But I am loving the book. 

Anyway.  That's what I'm doing, and I have several books on hold again, so there's no fear of not having a book to read.

I actually came here to tell my readers that since I don't have a lot to say lately, my daughter agreed to send me a story she told us last weekend so I can share it with you on my blog.  She works, so it may be a day or three before it comes.  

Lovely, lovely weather outside (although it's still dry).



  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I have been reading abundantly the last 10 days or so. It hurts to hold a book in my hands anymore, so Kindle and are currently the best of friends. I don’t turn the noise machine (tv) on until I’m almost ready to sleep. Darn tinnitus is so loud. Bless you and yours, Penny

    1. Cliff had terrible tinnitus for years. Now with his cochlear implants he says he does still have tinnitus, but but it isn't loud

  2. I don't have much to say either lately. A bit too much drama in my life at times and it's hard and painful to put into words.

    1. I've been there at times myself


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