Monday, September 30, 2024

I guess we have Covid

I assumed I had the flu, which I am somewhat familiar with from the past when I either went to school or was working at a job:  fever, weakness, sore throat, a little achy in places.  On the first night of the fever, I kissed Cliff on the lips before I went to bed, and as soon as I did it, I told him, "Oh, I shouldn't have done that since I have a fever and all."

"I'd just as soon have the kiss," he said.  Today he thinks differently.

Now I'm on the mend, and he feels a tiny bit better too, although like all men who get germs directly from their wives, his Covid is about 10 times worse than mine.  A while ago we finally got out that old Covid test from 2022 and figured it out.  There was only a small pink bit on the right end of that swab that tells the tale, but according to directions, that is still a positive.

We had appointments to go to the cataract doctor: mine tomorrow and Cliff's the next day.  I called and told them we have Covid, and made other appointments.  Meanwhile my daughter and her husband paid us a visit Saturday.  I told her I had the flu... Cliff hadn't gotten sick yet, but Saturday night he coughed non-stop and he really was hurting all day Sunday.  He also has chills, apparently, because last night he had his overalls, a coat, his cap, with a blanket over all that; I looked at the thermostat and it was 82°.  

They've had covid more than once because they work among other humans.  I sure hope we didn't give it to them again.

I volunteered to be part of a covid study some college is doing a year or two ago.  They call occasionally and ask me about the vaccines I've had and if I've had covid, or if I've been in the hospital for any reason.  It's always no on all counts, but so far I've gotten $150 in Amazon gift cards.  Finally I can tell the lady I've had Covid.   


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I have been running a low grade fever. Like you, I pulled out an old Covid test kit. After pulling all the stuff out of their wrappings, I was finally waiting for my results. No pink line so I guess I don't have Covid. Felling better today but still have a low grade fever.

  2. I wondered when you said your throat was so sore. That's a symptom of the new Covid strain, I think. Hope Cliff and you will soon be back to normal!

  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Hope you get over it soon. Cliff too.

    1. Cliff really is having a harder time... not dangerous or anything, but he has had a higher fever and chills and cough cough cough.. We both had as painful a sore throat as we've ever had, but I just had that for one day. I think we'll be alright.

  4. My wife would agree with you 100%. Every time I get something she calls it the man-flu and chastises me about how much worse I seem to get everything.

  5. My husband had chills both times we’ve had it. Hope y’all both feel better soon. Sheila Y

  6. Take care of yourselves!

  7. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Someone I trust highly recommended the book North Woods by Daniel Mason.

    1. I'll check it out, but I always have access to good books from the library. I just happened to have a run of books that I didn't care for. I could have stopped reading them at any time and gotten another, but I decided to see it they would get better.

  8. I'm hearing of more and more bloggers who are getting COVID. I've noticed more people wearing masks here in Hawaii too, especially seniors.

  9. Might want to pick up some current tests at your WalMart or drug store. The US is giving away free covid tests again. You get 4 tests in a box. Get well! Linda in Kansas

    1. I'm over it already. Cliff had it worse, but he thinks he's turned the corner on it now also.

  10. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Ugh. I'm sorry, Donna. Hope you are both completely over it soon! Rebecca in SW MO

  11. Oh no! I hope that you and Cliff will be feeling better in short time! Maybe call your doctor to see if they can call yall some prescriptions in. I don't know what they give you for it, but hopefully something to help you feel better, and shorten the time that you have it. I always do the hot water and salt gargle for a sore throat.

    1. I really thought it was the old-fashioned flu. I think covid isn't such a big deal any more. I'm totally back to normal, and Cliff is only left with a cough. I think half of our town had it in the last month or so. Many have had it multiple times, and nobody had it bad that I've talked to.


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