Friday, September 13, 2024


 I've mentioned many times how Cliff and I used to take walks in the woods and pasture.  When Cliff had to quit because of his hip and breathing problems, I kept on by myself.  The main reason I got a knee replacement was so I could go on my daily walk without pain.  After two or three years, though, I had to make it a shorter walk.  Then another, even shorter.  Finally I had to stop.

I need to have outside time to be happy.  Of course in summer, there's the garden, although I have to put up with aches and pains from gardening.  

Last week I was wanting so much to go down to the Green Cathedral in our woods that I just decided to try it.  I walked slowly, and it isn't so terribly far away; even walking slow it's probably ten minutes.  It's the nearest place where I can feel like I'm in the woods, and I was so happy to get there, I almost cried.  Of course Gabe was with me.

This is where we first got there, leaving the wide-open pasture and going into the shade.  It was so very cool after our sunny-day walk.

This is looking down from the pasture.  There's at least a hundred-fifty-feet drop on either side of the path.  At least a third of our property consists of canyons.   When I was younger I climbed over the whole place often and thought nothing of it.  That's where the really big trees are.  If I climbed down there now, I'd have to call someone to come and pick me up!  

  This is looking back at where we entered from the pasture.  Gabe and I sat down at the bottom of the path for quite a while.

Since then I've walked back there four more times without making my knees hurt any more than usual.  I also decided to try the exercise bike again; if I leave it on the next-to-the-easiest level, I can pedal fast enough to use 110 calories in half an hour, so I've been doing that some days too.  My worst pain comes from my left knee, which is my replacement knee.  Lately I've tried to be aware of what it is that makes that knee hurt, so I don't do anything to cause the pain.  I think I may be onto something, but we'll see.

Even if I find out I can't keep on walking for exercise... and that day will come, I'm sure, unless I die first... at least I can be thankful every time I do it.  And that makes it more special.


  1. Betty4:46 PM

    Thinking of your walks and the good exercise. Remember keeping a required journal for a college class and how difficult it was to pick up a pencil and let your thought flow onto a paper. Admire your ability to master a journal and taking us along with you during your adventures.

  2. Cool cathedral! Those are the best. Be sure and tell the doc about the pain in the replaced knee. Linda in Kansas

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I helped my friend Kay when she had knee replacement. I decided it was not for me. I’ll do it if I’m in a wheel chair I guess. Some things can’t be perfect. Walking and eating are my daily pleasures in my old age. I hate giving up either 🤣Galla Creek

    1. I wish I had never gotten mine, but some people do just fine with knee replacement.

  4. That's a beautiful place! How do you keep Gabe from running off??

    1. As long as there aren't any other people around, he obeys me very well.

  5. I'm glad to hear that you made it to your happy place. If that starts becoming difficult, maybe put a series of benches or chairs along the trail so you can stop and rest as needed?

    1. I might do that, except I'd just want to use dead tree stumps because when people sneak back there to steal our mushrooms, they are liable to take anything that might be worth somehing.

  6. It's great that you're figuring out how to do some walks. They are so therapeutic, both physically and mentally!

  7. What a wonderful place to do forest bathing. I'm afraid my knees have been bothering me the last few years too. However, I'm trying to walk in the evenings now and it helps to keep my diabetes in check. You have such a gorgeous property.


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