Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Lucky me

Every once in a while the Kansas City Star will offer a one-month subscription for a very low rate.  Then after the month is over, of course, they raise the price.  I usually tell Alexa to remind me when the month is over.

This time, when I went to their site to stop my subscription, I get an offer:  $200 for a year.  I declined.  Oh, I should tell you it's the digital version of the Star they are offering.  I wouldn't want the actual paper anyway, because from what I've heard, out here in the boonies folks don't get their paper half the time.  But somehow, for some reason, I was asked if I'd take the digital Star for $1.99 monthly.  

That's like free!  I know I will have it at that price for at least a year.  I'm going to have to learn how to find everything on it, but I've already seen there are several puzzles to put together and a lot of other games to do online.  I can work the daily crossword right on my computer.

I've still been watering the garden, and I've planted more green beans, corn, carrots and beets.  I pulled the pea plants up this week, and we ate the last of the peas today.  I want to make my Russian friend Meesha's recipe for borscht, but I'm going to have to look at the recipe to make sure I have what I need.  I'm not even sure I have enough sour cream.  I guess I'll go look and see what I have.


  1. I would love to get the newspaper again. I never got used to the on-line version, sadly.

  2. Lucky you! We get the paper digitally six days a week (and a real paper on Sunday). Every time the bill comes due they try to raise the price substantially. Hubby calls and talks them into lowering it.

  3. $1.99 a month??!!! That is a deal alright. It works out less than 7 cents a day! I'd have grabbed that up as well. Well. Not OUR local paper. It's owned by Ogden News, and it is very pro-trump. I quit taking it when I had a discussion with the editor about some provably untrue stuff that was being published. He told me that he did not feel it was his job to fact check. If I have to fact check a newspaper, then there is no point in getting it. I canceled our subscription.

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Fleta took a paper like that and gave me her info. I think it’s Washington Post. We’ve had lots of rain, but I have no garden. Grass is green and lush. Hot and humid here today. I tried my local paper in the mail. I like to see who died. How morbid of me! Well, I didn’t get it half the time so I cancelled. It was pretty expensive too.Galla Creek.

    1. We have a local paper in Odessa, about 15 miles away. I'd love to take it again, but as you say, it is very expensive for a once a week paper. I will say that it always come in the mail promptly. I took it all the time my kids were in school.

  5. Makes me mad when someone on FB links to a KC Star article and I can't see it! $1.99 a month is great, but I'd get so addicted in that first year that I'd probably end up paying premium rates just to keep it.

  6. fingers crossed you'll tell us how to make borscht.. love beets pickled or plain... but haven't got any idea how to make borscht!! We get the KC Star both paper and digital... it would feel funny not to get a paper each morning!!


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