Monday, June 24, 2024

A strange thing happened to me yesterday

 After attending both my churches yesterday, I came home and started making a couple of tenderloins for sandwiches.  Quick and easy, for sure:  roll in flour, wet them well in egg with a little milk added, and put them in cracker crumbs.  Then fry.  

But as I was standing at the skillet, I started feeling strangely weak.  I ignored it for a bit, then decided I'd better sit down at the kitchen table.  I wasn't sick, but I just didn't feel myself.  I also had a bit of a headache, and I never have headaches.  I made my sandwich and ate it, but then I decided to check my blood pressure.  I don't remember what it was at first, but later I wrote some of the results down every once in awhile; I had never had that kind of numbers!  The first I took was 128/90, with 91 pulse.  The next was 129/72, with 140 pulse.  After that, 141/92, 136 pulse.

Those were written down during a period of maybe an hour, just guessing.  Then I sat down on the couch with a book and was reading and dropped off to sleep.

Along about 5 P.M., I told Cliff I was pretty sure I was fine.  Sure enough, everything was normal.  This morning my blood pressure was actually better than it usually is.  Cliff thought maybe I took a wrong pill or something yesterday, but I'm sure I didn't; I only take atorvastatin, amlodipine, and two calcium tablets.  

Isn't it odd how something like this always happens on the weekend?  Had it been on a week day, I would have called my doctor's office to ask a nurse if this was serious enough to worry about.

All's well that ends well, and my stats are perfect today.



  1. Think those numbers and how you felt would make me nervous if it were me...keep an eye on things... and make sure you have back up help!

  2. Your pulse was way too high. B/P OK but marginal near the end. I'm glad you're better! Is it hot there? I always think first of dehydration.

    1. It is hot, but I was inside all day.

    2. I always drink at least two quarts of water daily, usually more... ever since the doctor began watching my kidneys.

  3. I'd sure be headed for my doctor's office if it happens again!

    1. That's what I intend to do, and any time I feel strange I'm going to check my blood pressure. I didn't go to the emergency room because they don't really worry much about blood pressure; I learned that the hard way. If it happens again, I'm hoping it will be Monday through Friday so I can call and talk to a nurse.

  4. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Glad it got back to normal. Sounds strange. Galla creek


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