Thursday, September 28, 2023

I'm so confused

Google has a new trick it likes to play on me when I go to my blog.  It tells me to sign in, but when I click on "sign in", it takes me to the place where I do a new entry.  I can get to the editing part of my blog, but when I go to the actual blog to see it as my readers do, it doesn't recognize me.  I know this, because I replied to some comments yesterday and was anonymous... ON MY OWN BLOG!  I am also anonymous when I comment on any Google blog.

I do have a workaround, but I shouldn't have to do it.  I can go to another browser (Safari or Opera), sign in properly and see my blog as you  readers do; in fact those browsers don't make me sign in, because they  recognize me already.  I can comment on any blog and show up as myself, rather than anonymous.  Bu all I can do on Google Chrome is edit my blog and do new entries, even though Google is also the owner of Blogger!  I would think that would be the one be the one browser that knows who I am.

By the way, after I had been using Opera yesterday so I could comment and be recognized on other blogs, I went back to Google and I was signed in.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen this morning.

If this keeps on, I'll just make Opera my permanent browser.  It's just that all my passwords and websites are on the Chrome.  I wonder if my passwords would carry over automatically to a new default browser.  I'd hate to have to copy and paste all those passwords.  But wait...

I just googled the answer to my question RIGHT HERE.

By the way, I didn't know browsers kept my passwords for me until the last two or three years.  I was one of those people who wrote every password down and then lost the notebook I had written them in.  Imagine my surprise when I found out those passwords had been on my browser all the time.


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I have had an impossible time posting a comment on your blog giving my name, for months. It always posts anonymous. I thought I was doing something wrong. Cora's grandma, Sharron.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Lots of people have. This will likely say I'm anonymous, so after I post this, I'll go to the other browser and post below it.

    2. And here I am on the Opera browser.

  2. I didn't realize that browsers were so important. I use my laptop for all commenting and blogging and it miraculously remembers my logins and passwords so I'm not anonymous. It can be tricky to comment on blogs these days--Blogger and Wordpress both want accounts in order to do so.

    1. Well, it remembers my password, but it only takes me to the editing of my blog when it should just say I'm logged in. But no, it takes me to where I can do a new entry. Obviously I AM logged in, but it doesn't show me as logged in if I just want to read my blog, or comment on it. So I am anonymous if I comment.

    2. Got rid of cookies etc on Chrome. Still have the problem

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I tried Edge and I got last Tuesday's blog instead of today's. '

    1. It's crazy. Looks like I'm going to have to change browsers, but I doubt that will help everybody else who is anonymous.

  4. I don't think it is a browser problem since I also use google chrome and haven't had any of those issues. Perhaps something got messed up in the cookies. Perhaps deleting them and then logging in fresh might solve the problem. But then you will have to remember all your passwords for every other website you access for the first time again.

    1. I don't have to remember them. Deleting the cookies doesn't take my passwords off of where Chrome hides them for me.

    2. Got rid of cookies. Still have the same problem.

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I'm another synonymous commenter. I don't know why, I've been following you for lots of years. It's all a mystery to me. Take care and keep on blogging. Love, ma

  6. For me there's no rhyme or reason. Some days I have no issues using Firefox on either my Windows laptop or my Mac desktop. Some days half of the blogs won't accept the information on my Mac.

  7. I think google wants us to all quit blogging and they aren’t supporting any fixes. We may finally just disappear.

  8. Do you think that maybe you need to log into the main Google, go to your blog then go to your settings? Also, I gave tabs set up that open up automatically when I turn on my laptop browser. Maybe your tab is for the edit part of your blogger? (I don't know how to explain this right!!)


I love comments!