Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I'm moody lately

It's winter, so it's normal for me to be out-of-sorts on occasion.  But the pandemic, along with the fact that America is so divided about everything from politics to Covid, adds to my problem.  Even though I have unfollowed (as opposed to unfriending) most all my Facebook friends, I still end up seeing the hatefulness and stubborn attitudes that I have tried to avoid.  One thing for sure, I am going to unfollow the small-town groups except for my own town (they don't usually argue), because those town groups are where the disagreements show up the most.  One person posted three simple words on one town's page:  "mask, or no mask?"  That started the most ridiculous argument I've ever seen, with about 20 people commenting one way or another.  I have no problem with people who don't want to wear a mask, I just wish they'd stop bragging about it.

You're thinking, "Just scroll on by."

I'm a crazy woman at best, and with seasonal depression, I seem to zoom in on idiotic behavior just to torture myself.  So I will unfollow those towns, both for my good and for the good of my poor husband, who has to live with me.  And even for my readers, who would much rather read something besides a raving old woman letting S.A.D. rule her feelings.

I found something good today on Facebook, though.  A folk singer-songwriter I like, Chuck Brodsky, shared a video he'd found that made me emotional, and I don't even know why!  I told Chuck I had tears in my eyes after watching it.  He must have had some idea why I was emotional, because he put a heart by my comment.  :D  Isn't Facebook silly, with hearts and thumbs-ups and happy faces (or angry faces) beside comments?  As if they made it all up for children.   

Maybe if I keep watching the video I'll figure out why it makes me want to cry.  


  1. I usually love reading those sorts of arguments on small town pages for a good chuckle. However if someone jumps all over something I've written, I fight back.

  2. I should say I rarely write anything on those sorts of sites just for that reason.

  3. America is more divided than ever it seems and over such ridiculous things. I think that's what bothers me the most. I try to say off those comment sections. They make me despair for humanity and civility.


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