Thursday, June 18, 2009

My tiller problem may be solved

Cliff's St. Louis sister reads my blog, and she read about my problem of having no garden tiller. So yesterday her husband called and said he happens to have a rototiller at their farm (a few miles from here) that we are welcome to use. It hasn't been fired up in a few years, so it will probably take some effort on Cliff's part to get it running; but he has a talent for that sort of thing. I'd still like to get Rena's Troybilt tiller back in business, though.

We're having high temperatures in the 90's, so I'm off to pick cherries while Cliff is sleeping, before it gets too hot.

About my "herd-bound" horses: Yes, it makes sense that the horses hang around up here to be near Blue. But out in the pasture, the cows don't mingle with the horses; but they won't leave the lot either. Cliff has even fixed it so that they can come and go at all times, even when the horses are shut in. But do they leave? No. This morning I lured them out with some sweet feed, pouring it on the ground. Next time I looked outside, there they were, back in the little lot.

Somebody just shoot me.


  1. Yea! I'm glad the tiller problem might be solved. LOL about the cows!

  2. Like closed-knitted family, those cows. Funny.

  3. My horses have access to 3 pastures. I have to close the gate to the front one in the afternoon. Why? Because it is the only one with absolutely NO shade, and when it hits the high 90's are they in the shade? NO, they go to the only pasture with no shade. Sigh... Not that they stay in the shade in the other two, but at least it is there. Instead of going in the cool shade, I get to spray the sweaty horses off at the evening feed. Yeah, just shoot me!

  4. Funny about horses and cows. We live where it's "open range" and earlier this week we had to slow down for the four or five cows standing in the road.

    Odd sight but a welcome one too. Cows are way better to look at than scorpions, tarantulas, snakes and gila monsters.

    Good news about a tiller for ya!



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