Saturday, March 02, 2024

Everything is fine

I got disgusted because I couldn't sign in with my Google account on other people's comment sections, so I just stopped blogging for a week.  There were also other things going on.  Cliff's sister passed out while at her son's house and ended up in the hospital.  They seem to think it's epilepsy, so she isn't supposed to drive for six months.  I'll bet she will drive, though.  She likes being independent.  

I've been spoiled by the warm weather we were having, so when the temperatures got down in the teens for a couple of days, I got grumpy about that, too.  It's all about me, right?  The weather shouldn't give me a gift for two weeks and then take it away for a couple of days.

As for Cliff, he isn't dizzy now.  When he went to his first therapy our granddaughter Monica had to drive us; he came out of the session not dizzy.  That was Wednesday, and so far, so good.  He's going back Monday, but says if he's still doing OK he won't go again.  It isn't a huge amount of money for the therapy, thank goodness:  $25 a session for our part.  That's why he decided to go one more time.  It's something that often happens to older people, and now we know there is something that can be done about it.  

I really don't have a lot to say right now.  I'm sorry I waited so long to let everybody know that my husband is fine.  I'll go back to commenting on blogs once in a while if I can use my google account.  I couldn't even comment on my own blog without being "anonymous".  My computer was in a bad way after being used and misused for five years, and I was using the iPad as my computer.  I have corrected that by getting a new computer, although that experience didn't exactly go as planned either.  Now I'm in tall cotton, though.


  1. I think your computer caught what Cliff has. Hope he learned procedures to continue doing at home to keep the vertigo away. You might want to go with him to his next therapy to find out about them. Certainly better to keep them away than to experience the effects of the dizziness. Linda in Kansas

  2. Glad that Cliff is better; I bet he's so relieved! Suddenly I was finding myself Anonymous too. I don't know why my computer signed me out of Google. The mysteries of technology!

  3. Google sometimes has a mind of its own!

  4. Monica6:20 PM

    I'm glad you are both ok.

  5. I'm glad Cliff is better!! What did the therapist do?? Maybe yall can do it at home!!

  6. What? Cliff has vertigo too? I have to say my physical therapy for it didn't do much good, sorry to say. I can still feel a little of the dizziness, but not as bad as last year.


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