Sunday, January 07, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. Favorite food:  Pizza, with ice cream for dessert.

2. Favorite color:  The blue that is seen in the bluest skies

3. Favorite Animal:  Jersey cows, dogs, and gentle horses.  I can't choose just one.

4. Favorite thing to do on a cold day:  Read a good book.

5. Favorite vacation spot:  It used to be Colorado, but now I really don't care to vacation.

6. Favorite TV show:  At age 10, it was Dragnet.  We didn't have a television, but I spent at week at my sister's every summer and was introduced to "dum-de-dum-dum".

At 15, it was Ozzie and Harriet, because Ricky sometimes sang at the end of the show.   


When I was 16 or so, it was 77 Sunset Strip, because Kookie was so cute! 


The last show I couldn't get enough of was "The Good Wife", which ended in 2016.  I don't like any of the weekly shows these days except "All Creatures Great and Small" and "Call the Midwife".  Those are on PBS; I give them a $5 contribution each month and stream the programs I like.  

We watch lots of good movies on streaming services:  This week we watched 22 July on Paramount+; News of the World on Prime (Tom Hanks, so you know it's good); and Harriet, on Netflix.  We've been watching one movie every evening.  

7. Favorite Mythical creature:  I don't think much about mythical creatures.  I know what my atheist friends are thinking, and they are welcome to their opinion.  We can agree to disagree. 

8. Favorite fairy tale:  Any story that lets the good person win at the end.

9. Favorite thing to draw:  I don't draw

10. Favorite scent:  I can't choose just one.  Alfalfa when it's first cut; the smell of a horse; vanilla; most anything baking in an oven; the smell of the woods, which changes with the seasons.  I could go on all day, but I'll stop.

11. Favorite mode of transportation:  The year of our 50th anniversary we took a train trip to the Grand Canyon.  I really enjoyed riding, eating, and sleeping on the train. 

12. Favorite vegetable:  I like most vegetables.  Home-grown tomatoes are near the top, but I do like potatoes in almost any form, so I guess taters will win the competition.

13. Favorite candy:  If you read my blog much, you should already know... Lindor Truffles.

14. Favorite sport:  I hated NFL football my whole life, but since 2000 I got acquainted with the Kansas City Chiefs and watch every game.  I also watch the Miami Dolphins, but only because I love to see Tyreek Hill run.

15. Favorite weather:  James Russell Lowell said it best:  "What is so rare as a day in June?  Then, if ever, come perfect days."


  1. Mown grass spells pretty good!

  2. KC Chiefs are my favorite too. I am a lifelong fan. Loved your answers! Have a nice day! ♥

  3. I loved The Good Wife, too! I saw that there's a spin-off from it starting in February with that kooky attorney Elsbeth Tascioni--she was one of my favorite guest actors on that show.

    1. Oh, I hope they do make that spin-off!

  4. I watched The Good Wife regularly. The sequel, The Good Fight, was streaming, so I didn't see it often. Tyreek Hill is amazing!

    1. I didn't like the Good Fight. It got downright silly.

  5. I agree with you on so many of these: the TV shows, the truffles, the favorite meal (just had it last night), the veggies, the favorite color and the books.

    1. How about that! We have several things in common in spite of our differences.

    2. We all have things in common...we just don't look hard enough to see them. Thanks for the reminder Donna.

  6. I don't watch much TV myself.

  7. French Racing Blue and white trim are one of my fav color combinations. I want my motorbike to be that color. Maybe some day. *sigh*
    I don't think about mythical creatures either. It's all silly.
    Such a fun post.

  8. Wow, you have a lot of snow! Enough for snow ice cream.


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