Wednesday, June 14, 2023

We are having some great days

You know you're getting old by how many appointments two people can have.  Cliff got his second Cochlear implant activated yesterday afternoon, which means we had another trip to Kansas.  We'll be going back Thursday, and again on the twenty-second of June, so they can make sure things are working as they ought to and do some tuneups.  Today he had his regular yearly physical, but that's only twenty miles from home.  

While we were in Oak Grove, I shopped for the things we were out of.

Tomorrow I go to the dentist again; I'm not sure what that will entail.  He tried last visit to do a root canal on a tooth, but he couldn't get it done.  If he can't do it this time, the tooth will come out and the partial I already have may not be able to have the back teeth added for those he pulled before; we shall see.  I may have to get a new partial.  The time comes when you don't have a lot of choices and just grin and bear whatever happens.

So that's Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week we are on the run with appointments.  This Cochlear implant journey has been amazing in more ways than one.  Obviously, it's a godsend for deaf people.  But also, I've been surprised at how little it has cost us.  The two surgeries, where they actually put the things in his head, each came to less than $300 each time.  All the appointments leading up to the procedures were $20.  We probably have only spent $800 out of pocket for this miracle; our Medicare Advantage has taken care of the rest.

Today is mine and Cliff's 57th anniversary.  We've had many differences between us, but the thing I believe that has kept us together is that we both love country life.  We've been living in the country all our years together, and wouldn't have it any other way.  We don't have a lot of money and we live in a trailer house, but we are very happy with our lives.

I shouldn't mention this until Saturday when it actually happens, but I connected with a lady in Oak Grove who has a new baby bull calf she's going to sell me.  We'll take the "bull" out of him by neutering him, and he'll make me a fine, beautiful boy, strictly as a pet.  I'm getting him at four days old, so he will be a pet from the word go.  The lady sent me a picture of him shortly after he was born Tuesday.  He is from a registered Jersey cow, sired by a registered Jersey bull.

His name will be Bodacious, after a killer rodeo bull.  I'll probably call him Bodie.

A different sort of anniversary present, right?  And a nice birthday present for Bodie, since male dairy animals are usually bound to become hamburger eventually. Truthfully, that could even happen to him, because if I get to the point I don't even go outside, I certainly wouldn't want to waste the  good meat.  But he and I will have a good time as long as I can tend to him.  


  1. Very good news about the implant and the anniversary--happy wishes for you both! A calf will be a great addition to the family.

  2. So glad Clift can hear you tell him what to do…just kidding. Wonderful to be able to hear. I worry abt our Greta. She loves sports. Implant is out for her now but someday she may opt for it.

  3. Haven't heard of a baby bull for a pet before! Congrats on the anniversary and the 2nd cochlear implant. Don't forget, the hubby can turn them off too! Linda in Kansas

    1. Once I get him, he won't be a bull. He will be a steer after his bull parts are taken away.

  4. Anonymous6:34 AM

    He is really cute! and I am Margie from Margie's Musings! Not Anonymous!


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