Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Walk through my garden

Cliff took this first picture with his phone as he drove by on the side-by-side.  I had told everybody I was done picking strawberries because my knees were so sore, and the berries were tiny at that point.  I had a gardening friend come out and pick them twice for her family, but that was before they got so tiny, not to mention few and far between.  However, I walked past that patch Saturday and decided I'd just pick a few to put on our cereal.  As it happened, I also got enough to have strawberry shortcake one more time.

My daughter gave me that seat for Mother's Day that I was sitting on; I use it a lot, and carry it with me when I move.

These potato vines are the tallest I think I've ever seen.

My only row of potatoes on the left and green beans on the right.

I planted two half-rows of Bodacious sweet corn some time back.

Then three days ago, I planted corn on the near half of the rows.  Can you see the little spikes of corn?


Here are all my tomato plants.  So far they are looking great.  Some of those, obviously, are younger and won't be producing until later.

This large plant is loaded!  I can't wait.

We had our first Harvard beets from this row today.

I also cooked some of these Alaska peas today.  They won't last long in this heat, I'm afraid.

Okra, with Little Marvel peas on the right.

Bell peppers.  They were planted later than usual.

I always have one eggplant in my garden, and that's more than enough for us.  My favorite use of eggplants is in Ratatouille.  

Onions.  There are more in a different row.

Three cabbages of different sizes.   I plant a seed or two every once in awhile, to keep the cabbage coming.

There are odds and ends of other plants scattered around in corners.  Cliff is just now starting to feel decent after getting his second cochlear implant, so I'll be having him mow the strawberries before long.  He had more pain with this second implant.

Obviously, I'm watering everything in various ways.  My grandson bought me a waterer for Mother's Day that slowly spins and sprays, and covers a large part of the garden.  I try to let it work for four hours every Thursday  night or Friday morning early, times when there won't be so much of our well water evaporating in the heat.  There are two soaker hoses coming tomorrow, too.  

I swore I wasn't going to water the garden this year, but here I am, watering parts of it in one way or another every day. 


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Rebecca H in SW MO here... Thanks for the tour, I love your garden, it's great, so neat and organized. We have been super dry again the past month or more. If we didn't water we wouldn't have any garden at all.

  2. Our potatoes are looking very vigorous this year too for some reason. I thought perhaps it was because this is the first time in my life, I have ever watered them due to the extremely dry conditions. But perhaps it is due to the temperatures?

    1. Maybe those cool temps we had for awhile helped!

  3. Wow. You are way ahead of us. I'm letting my husband do the gardening this year. We haven't had a garden in about 4 years, but he wanted one, so I said, "have at it."

  4. That's a wonderful garden!

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Donna it’s a beautiful garden! You keep it so tidy; brings back memories of my childhood with Grandma Howard. Gabby


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