Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunday Stealing


A nice lady named Bev collects these lists from across the Web, one every Sunday.   Just go to her Sunday Stealing blog to play along, or just to read how others have answered these little exercises.

1. Do you buy things when you want them or wait for sales?  When I can, I wait for sales.

 2. Do you think time moves slowly or quickly?  Quickly, at this stage of my life.  But when I was a child, time moved oh, so slowly.

 3. How often do you spend time alone?  I get enough alone time to satisfy me; I really need my alone time, and my husband tries to make it happen most days.  Of course, I get up at 4 in the morning most days, so that gives me three hours alone.  

 4. What’s something that has changed in the last month?  The coronavirus, which seems to change almost every month.

 5. What’s the best part of your job, profession?  I'm retired.  The best part of that is that I don't have to get out of the house, put on street clothes, and go to work.

 6. How many pens do you have?  I am so bad at losing pens around the house that I bought a box of 100 of them last year.  I still have most of those, although the ones I've used are scattered near my chair, on top of the microwave, in various pockets of my purse, and sometimes under my chair... you get the idea, I'm sure:  I'm a clutter-bug.

 7. What are your healthiest habits?  I eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.  I try to walk, or at least ride the recumbent bike, every day.

 8.. Do you have a favorite postage stamp?  Not really, although the last stamps I bought have western wear pictures, and I rather like those. 

9. Who did you talk to the most this week?  My husband, of course!  Who else would I talk to?  Oh yeah, the dog and the cat.

 10. What’s on your bedside table?  A lamp, my night-time pills, and a bottle of water.  Also a small Echo Show named Ziggy who plays music at my request.

 11. How often do you try something new?  I have no idea.  With my memory these days, everything seems new to me.  

 12. What are some of your grocery list staples?  Milk, eggs, grape-nuts cereal for me and whatever kind of cereal Cliff chooses.  I always get some kind of fruit... grapes, apples, mangoes, avocados, whatever is affordable at the time.  I always keep carrots, celery, onions, and cabbage on hand, too. 

 13. Do you have a favorite poet?  Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  

 14. What interesting fact do you know?  In this computer age, I know too many interesting facts to name.  Also too many to recall.  

 15. Do you fold laundry right away or do it later?  I take clothes from the dryer to the nearest bed.  I might fold them immediately or I may come back later, but they will get folded by night, since the bed needs to be empty of laundry by bedtime.  


  1. Covid got so bad this past month, you are right. I absolutely hate it.
    Those stamps are really pretty. I haven't seen them before. Thanks for sharing. Loved your answers! Have a great day! ♥

  2. Interesting answers. Those are cool stamps. You do have some steady healthy habits with eating and exercise. Keep them up. Can relate to 11 and 14.

  3. I spend most of my days alone as I live by myself. The person I've talked to most this week is my daughter as she calls to check on me every evening. Time seems to go by quicker for me every day. A blink and it's over and I go to bed and get up to start all over again. Hope you all are keeping warm and safe there.

  4. I love your header picture, Donna! Such a beautiful depiction of winter out in the country. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  5. I love those stamps too! I got some flower ones and I'm not a fan of them. I keep putting them on the wrong way. :)

  6. I had some of those stamps. I thought they were cool. I put my laundry on the bed, too, so it will be sure to be finished before I go to bed.


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