Monday, October 04, 2021

Nothing to say, but I'm saying it anyway.

Back to autumn weather again,  This morning it was 44° when I got up, and still in the mid-40's when Gabe and I walked.  Did I wear shoes, you ask?  Nope.  I did this video of my feet walking, and I see I was walking faster than normal; cool weather makes me walk faster without even thinking about it, then my knees are sore the next day.  There are always seeds and leaves and such sticking to my feet when we get done, but I just rinse them off at the outside faucet.  

Gabe got off into the stickers again.  When we got back to the house, I slowly pulled each sticker, one by one.  Most of them were the straight kind that don't hang on to dog hair.  I spent quite a while getting them out, and he didn't mind it too much because it didn't hurt him.

I'm sure it will get worse when his hair is all grown out for the Schnauzer cut, but I'll bet he'll be warmer when he goes outside this winter.  Last year I kept thinking I'd get him some doggie pajamas, but I believe his new "do" will keep him warm enough to sleep at 60 degrees, which is where we set the furnace for sleeping.

Cliff and I got our booster shot at CVS in Lexington today.  We were going to get flu shots too, but the lady giving the shots said she thought it would be better if we waited at least a week for that.

I'll shout it to the world!  I'm not afraid shots are going to kill me, abort babies, put chips in my body, or any other kind of nonsense.  Some of the people out there remind me of spoiled five-year-olds folding their arms across their chests and saying, "I don't HAVE to and you can't MAKE me."

I have been feeling pretty feisty with the cooler temperatures we have.  Can you tell?

Hey, the Chiefs won yesterday.  Cliff never liked football until 1974 when we moved to north Missouri for awhile; there were only a couple TV channels, and not much worth watching, so he decided to learn to like football, which didn't take him long.  At that time, I would have never thought a time would come when I'd sit beside him yelling for the Kansas City Chiefs, but I'm a confirmed fan now.  I don't care about any other teams, but I've gotten attached to the individual players; the guys on the team are what keep me watching.  Watching Tyreek running like a whirlwind, or Pat Mahomes throwing a football to Kelce, makes my day.  And who doesn't love Coach "teddy bear" Andy Reid?

Cliff finished his recent book and asked me to find him another one to read on the iPad.  I immediately thought of one I read in the past that he would love; I figured it would be available, since it was published in 2003.  Well, obviously it's still in demand, because there's at least a two-week wait for it, even with many copies in use.  Cliff needs a book the next day after he finishes one because he doesn't like to ride the recumbent bike without something to pass the time.  I put a hold on that book (The Devil in the White City), then found him another for now about the search for Abraham Lincoln's killer.  He likes non-fiction, and I'm getting very good at finding books that appeal to him.  I can't wait until he gets hold of that first book, though.  It's one of the best I've ever read.

Enough of my scattered thoughts!  



  1. Is the devil in the white city….nonfiction?

    1. Yes. It all really happened, and the people are real.

  2. My son-in-law recommended Devil in the White City. I really did enjoy reading it even though it’s not my usual thing. I’m now reading Mobituaries which is a lot of fun. I borrowed it from the library for my Kindle.

  3. Oh, and I got my high dose flu shot today. Yay! We’re planning to get our booster next month. Definitely!

  4. Barefoot in 44 degree weather? Hats off to you. Love how well Gabe responded to your call. Will check out Devil in White City.

  5. I've read and enjoyed both books.

  6. Loved "Devil in the White City!" It is non-fiction which reads like fiction. I think that was good advice about the flu shot with the C19 3rd dose. The C19 extra knocked me for a loop. So did the high powered flu and pneumonia shots on the same day. That was dumb on my part. Glad to hear that you are sensible and logical about immunizations. Too many people have gone CRAZY! :(

  7. Yes, there are a a lot of idiots out there buying into nonsense.


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