Sunday, October 03, 2021

Sunday Stealing


1. Do you like bleu cheese?

It isn't something I would buy, but I could eat it.  But who cares to know that?  Nobody I know.

2. Coke or Pepsi?

I've never been much of a "pop" drinker.  Now the only time I have it is when we eat a Whopper meal at Burger King; I always get a Coke with my meal, because somehow it goes great with burgers and fries.  That would be probably once a month, on average. 

3. Do you own a gun?

Cliff does, and what's his is mine, I suppose.  I'm too clumsy to use a gun; I'd probably end up shooting myself.

4. Hot dogs or cheeseburgers? 

Cheeseburgers that I make myself at home, but I like hot dogs too.

5. Favorite type of food?

Old-fashioned farm-type food like my mother and aunts cooked.  Once in awhile I get a yen for pizza, but that's not often.  Oh, and fruit.  I love fruit.

6. What do you drink in the morning?

Two cups of Earl Grey Twinings.  The rest of the day I settle for Lipton or herb teas of some sort.

 7. Can you do a 100 pushups?

I couldn't even do that in my prime. 

8. Tattoos?

One; I got it nine years ago, I think.  You can read the story of my tattoo HERE, and see a picture of me getting the tattoo.  

9. Do you wear glasses?  


10. Phobia?

Driving.  That's why I've never had a driver's license. 

11. Piercings?

My ears were pierced long ago, but I'm allergic to everything from stainless steel to solid gold, so I could never wear earrings.  My daughter inherited this same allergy. 

12. Can you whistle?

Not at all, and people make fun of the way I look when I try to whistle, so I don't try. 

13. Surgeries?

A tubal ligation after I'd had my two babies and three knee surgeries. 

14. Like gambling?

Only those scratch lottery cards, once in a blue moon (even though I seldom win anything over a dollar).

15. Do you like to dance?

I would have loved to learn to dance as a teenager, but my parents didn't approve of dancing.  It doesn't matter, because I was such a loner as a teenager, I wouldn't have gone anywhere to dance anyhow.


  1. I'm scared of heights although I try not to be. No soda for me either (or rarely). I love hot dogs and bleu cheese, and have never owned a firearm. I've never even touched one.

  2. Donna, in soooooo many ways you & I are alike. I know we would be wonderful friends if we lived near each other! I didn't know about your tattoo (or maybe I did and forgot... that happens a LOT these days) so I clicked on the link and thoroughly enjoyed reading about the story behind your tattoo. I just wish it was someplace that you could see everyday and that others could see too. That's why I'll never get a tattoo that's primarily covered up by clothes & that I can't see myself. But I appreciate your reasoning behind not wanting yours to show. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. That was an interesting 15. Had to smile at your whistling. I use to whistle joyfully and in tune but with age, I have totally lost my whistle. Kind of miss it and I have to summon my dog with a hand clap:)

  4. Oh my gosh! You too? I also have a phobia about driving. My kids say it's all in my head. Well, it is! So if I ever end up by myself, it's going to have to be the bus or Uber.


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