Thursday, October 16, 2008


I have been tagged by Lee, of Lee Lee's lulus to participate in 6 Quirks. She lives in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks. Here are the rules for this exercise in social intercourse:

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Reveal 6 of your quirks on your blog.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers.
5. Leave them a comment to let them know.

Here are my 6 Quirks (only six? I have so many!):

I'm naturally left-handed, but was taught to use my right hand when I started school. Still, I do many simple tasks left-handed, and when Cliff notices me doing this, he calls me "Lefty".

I'm a morning person, often getting up before 5 A.M. I LOVE early mornings. However, I don't want to see anyone, or have to converse with anyone, until long after I've had my three cups of coffee.

I don't wear makeup and I hate to dress up. I haven't worn panty-hose for at least ten years, and I only wore high heels once in my life. I'm just not a girlie-girl. In summer I wear T-shirts and shorts; in winter, sweats or jeans.

I'm a loner to a fault. I have no problem spending time in my own company.

I've been known to carry on three-way, out-loud conversations with myself, my dog or my horse (whichever I'm with), and God.

I don't drive, never have. I attribute this to the trauma of being forced to switch from left- to right-handedness. I kid, but not much. I do believe that switch is much of the reason for my sloppy hand-writing and my clumsiness. That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it.

I don't tag people for memes. But I double-dog dare all my readers to do it.


  1. My brother is a lefty, the only one in the family so far. I too am an early morning person but not a late night person at all. In bed by 9:30 or 10. I also am happy with my own company. Don't mind being alone but don't like Hubby to be gone more then a day or two. The first day is fun, I can eat Cheerios for every meal if I want. Great meme Donna!

  2. I knew there was a reason why I enjoy reading your blog. I am a "loner" too. I am morning person (4:30 today),and I have a left handed parent; I am right handed but my writing is about as bad as a lefties' can be without being a lefty.

  3. Anonymous8:41 AM

    like you I am a "lefty"...and because my mother intervened when I was in first still a lefty!!..and I am up early in morning.but don't want interaction with anyone except cat or dog see are not so very different to alot of folks...and a heck of a lot more fun than most LOL...God Bless...hugs...Ora

  4. I used to like early morning but now I stay up late because I like to be alone too.... reading or whatever I want and everyone is sleeping...:)

  5. I like your "quirks". I think it's a shame that they used to force kids to use their right hand when they were naturally left-handed, and it actually could have affected you adversely. I like my own company too, and I don't like a lot of conversation first thing in the morning.

  6. these were cute to read; I was just talking with someone yesterday whose mother was also a lefty but made to be a righty (her dad tied her left hand behind her so she couldn't use it); I would imagine that would be hard to get used to when your natural inclination would be to use your left hand

    great quirks to share


  7. Like your list. Tee shirts the best. I can rise early too but I sure don't have to be singing all over the place like John.


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