Thursday, September 30, 2021

Thursday Thirteen


My morning routine:

1.  Get out of bed 

2.  Put on my housecoat, turn on the kitchen light, and take my morning pill (for my stomach).  This was when I made my coffee, back when I still drank it. 

3.  Take the dog out.  If it's 4:30 or after, I give him his breakfast.  Otherwise, he waits.

4.  After he eats, he's ready to do more that just pee, so he sits at the door until I take him out again.

5.  I read my daily portion in my one-year Bible.  There are good things in there, and I also feel it honors my ancestors who lived by it.  If I don't do it first thing, I get behind.  This year, because it's the first thing I do, I will have read the entire Bible by December 31 except for the "begats".  Yes, some parts are boring and some parts are brutal; I know my favorite stories almost by heart, but those are the ones I enjoy the most.

6.  I check email, Facebook, weather and some of the news, all on the computer.  If I have enough time and have some idea for a blog entry, I'll start that.

7.  When it's daylight, I feed the cats on the back deck.  The raccoons and possums don't usually visit in daylight.  

8.  Shortly before 7, I make Cliff's coffee.  He likes me to wake him up at seven because if he stays in bed too long, it makes him even more achy than usual; it hurts when he lies on his right shoulder, and when he lies on his left hip... not to mention if his asthma is extra bad, he may have trouble breathing.  Sometimes I get under the covers with him, but we really can't talk, because he's so deaf without his hearing aids. 

9.  I fix Cliff's breakfast.  Sometimes he has an agg or two with toast, sometimes he has Cream of Wheat; this morning he had grits.  But often he just eats cereal, and yes, I deliver it to him.

10.  Gabe and I go for our walk in the pasture and woods.

11.  I get back to the house and take a break to rest; of course the computer is at my side, so I see what's happening online again.

12.  On or before ten o'clock, I start getting dinner ready.  Of course, lots of times we have leftovers from the previous day, so on those days I can read, garden, give the dog a bath... anything I can think of that is more fun than housework!

13.  Usually at straight-up noon we eat dinner, and then often take a nap on the couch afterward.

          WHAT A LIFE!

This is the first time I've participated in Thursday Thirteen, in which you make a list of thirteen about anything you want.  If you'd like to take part, you can share your entry on the Thursday Thirteen blog so other players can read it. 


  1. Welcome to Thursday Thirteen! It's a good way to sum up your week or whatever is on your mind, since it's a free-for-all. You have a good routine and it seems nice and settled. Good for you!

  2. I loved reading this, Donna. I can picture you doing all of these things. Routines are wonderful! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. It's interesting to read about others' routines. We all have such different mornings.

  4. Wow, you get up so early. I've been doing Thirteen Thursday since it's first incarnation in 2006 I think!

    1. I don't know that I'll do it all the time, but my routine has been on my mind for awhile, and this was a chance to talk about it. I've always had a routine of some kind or another, I just don't usually think about it. It's comforting to me.

  5. Oh, you're up early! I had to check where you live to see what you mean by "dinner." I grew up next door to a family from Wisconsin who had "dinner" in the middle of the day, and "supper" at night.
    A lot of my first morning routine items are dog and cat related too!

  6. I find it interesting to read other peoples morning routines!
    Growing up we had dinner at noon and supper was the evening meal, whenever dad got
    home from work, sometimes as late as 8.

  7. Interesting to read others routines. I sometimes think I am flexible but realized reading this that I am the same in the mornings. Only the time I wake up varies the morning routine.

    1. I never set out to have a routine, it just happened; but I find comfort in it.

  8. I love the quietness, and the ritual of your routine. I never did get through the Bible, mainly because of the begats. I should give myself permission to skip them. Welcome to Thursday 13, please stop by if you'd like! I'm in the linkup.

  9. I pretty much share my life on my blog anyhow at Margie's Musings. So that would be nothing different for me. I also copy it onto Keith's blog every day.

    1. Yes Margie, you do have a very dependable routine. I enjoy reading your blog.


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