Tuesday, August 17, 2021


I've been missing in action for a couple of days.  I haven't been anywhere.  I've just had my nose in books and not doing much of anything to blog about.  The recent storms last week gave us three inches of rain, but it came with some big-time winds that blew down a lot of my last planting of corn.

  Since the wind didn't manage to pull the roots out of the ground, the corn went ahead and matured on the stalks anyway... it was already close to being ready when the rain came.  Today I'll be freezing some of it.  We had corn for dinner yesterday.  We like it best cut off the cob.  I boil it on the cob for 10 minutes, then cool it until I can handle it and cut off the kernels.  That's the same thing I do when I freeze my corn.  We finally have okra but I haven't fried any yet because my recipe for Southern Fried Okra takes buttermilk and I don't have any; this is an instance where you can't use milk with vinegar added as a substitute, the way you can for some recipes.  I've tried it and it didn't work well at all.

The rain came late for the green beans; with no water, they just sort of dried up.  The tomatoes, though, are doing great and giving us plenty for our needs.  That storm gave us a break from the heat wave, so Gabe and I haven't had to walk in the dark; we wait until around 8 A.M. to leave, and it's only been in the low 70's when we return.  I'm going to need an umbrella to avoid being attacked by bluebirds every time I pass their birdhouse as I'm walking out to the pasture:  They swoop down at my head until it's almost scary.  Unwanted birds had taken the bluebird house over in the spring and kept trying to nest in it, but I would tear their nests out before they could finish them.  I guess when they finally gave up, the bluebirds decided to use their house again.

Cliff is doing some work on the Oliver tractor he recently bought, so he comes in for lunch and then goes back to the shop.  It's almost as though he has a job again!  

That's all I have, and I do need to get to that sweet corn. 



  1. I love fresh corn AND tomatoes! What are you reading, Donna?

    1. I just finished Summer of '69. It isn't among my favorites; it almost felt like it was written for teenaged girls. But I got hooked into it after a few chapters anyway. Before that I read We Begin at the End, which I struggled with reading at first, but got involved in it about 1/3 through. It was very depressing, though. I've read the new Chet and Bernie, Tender is the Bite; I didn't think it was quite as good as some of the earlier ones, but still enjoyed it.

    2. I agree about the latest Chet and Bernie, although it's the kind of book I need to read these days. Pure entertainment. I've heard of "We Begin at the End" and love the title. You've probably seen that I enjoyed my last two Book Club books "Cold Millions" and "This Tender Land." I highly recommend them.

    3. I had read This Tender Land before; didn't realize it until I started reading it again.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I normally just boil the corn for five minutes before cutting and freezing or canning. Basically just enough to get it hot.

  4. So glad your corn was spared. My it looks good.

  5. Glad to hear you have bluebirds. Many of the bluebirds in this area froze during an expected cold snap.

  6. Your corn looks wonderful and it will be nice to have some in the freszer too. I had my first batch of fresh hometown green beans last week and they were wonderful. This time of year I can make a meal of all the fresh vegetables. Enjoy your cooler days!

  7. My husband's dad had an Oliver tractor. I thought it was a much better-looking tractor than the John Deeres. I haven't been able to eat corn unless it is creamed since I had my gallbladder out. I have no idea why.

  8. Your corn looks wonderful. I think my few cobs are about ready to eat now too, and I will freeze down the rest, If I get anymore of them maturing. We are so incredibly dry. Horrible drought in MN. In the past month I've gotten only 1 and and a half tenths of an inch. We are up to 95 again today, its just dust here!


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