Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Heat wave

When I got up at 4:30 this morning, the Alexa Echo Show told me the temperature was 83°.  It went down to 80° by 6 A.M., and that was our low for the night.  There are chances of rain forecast for various times throughout the day, 30 and 40 percent chances; but it's been so long since we've had a rain that even though I'm hearing thunder now, I don't believe we'll get rain.  Hope has died.  We've had less than two inches since July 1.  

It was warmer than I like for walking, but I didn't go yesterday, so Gabe and I headed out before dawn.  It was pretty dark, but I knew as slow as I walk, I wouldn't be too far gone until I could see my surroundings better.  At first I couldn't let Gabe get too far ahead of me or I wouldn't be able to see him; he's mostly black, you know.  Oh, and even though I had just fed the cats before leaving, Blue joined us, pouncing on Gabe, doing flip-flops in the air, and other such shenanigans. 

Blue has finally decided to return home on his own after he walks with us, usually after a couple of hours of playing in the woods.  I think he felt the storm coming today, because he was only about half an hour behind us.

I didn't walk yesterday because I've been doing so much bending in the garden, picking green beans and placing the soaker hose next to the two lines of strawberries every other day; so my knees are aching more than usual.  Tylenol really helped me out this morning, and I moved very slowly; I actually think walking may have eased the pain.  

Cliff had borrowed his brother's trailer and is gone to return it.  His brother lives about 25 miles to the southeast of us.  Maybe if I don't see any rain here, Cliff will see some down there.  I'm sure it's raining just across the river to the north at Richmond, because the sky is putting on quite a light show over there.  It's dark here, and thunder still rolls, but so far I've seen only sprinkles.

I told Cliff to pick up a carton of Cool-whip for the lemon pie I made yesterday.  It's my sister Maxine's recipe.  Well, actually it's Ann Landers' recipe, but I got it from my sister.  Maxine and I don't care for meringue, so we use Cool-whip.  Since I don't know if I'll ever see her face-to-face again, what with covid still running rampant and her in her 90's, making her lemon pie helped me think fondly of her.  Most of my best dessert recipes have come from her.    

That's about all I have for today. 


  1. Sounds really good on a hot day. It’s 87 here at 10:30.

    1. We got about 1/10 of an inch, maybe 2/10 at the most. Enough to make the humidity, along with the heat, unbearable.

  2. I don't like meringue either, but unlike many people, I only like lemon in savory dishes and not sweet. We're expecting a run of ultra hot weather too and REALLY need some rain.

  3. There's always that one person, it seems, we can rely on for really good dessert recipes. Next time you go or order from Walmart, try their sugar-free whipped cream that comes in the aerosol can. It's found right by the Redi-Whip in the dairy refrigerator section. Oh my gosh... absolutely delicious and not one carb to its name!! I'm guessing it would taste divine on that lemon pie! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. That wasn't much rain. More or less just a tease . At least it should have knocked the dust down a bit. We have had good precipitation this summer. I was having to mow about every 5 days. It has been dry now for about a week however and the grass is turning brown in spots. May we both get the water we need.

  5. I love lemon pie but not the meringue either, so I also use cool whip.
    I've had only over a tenth inch of rain in the past month or more. Our county in MN is the
    driest of all counties. We need rain so desperately. We started out dry with very little snow over winter and then no rain, its serious here.

  6. Here in my little suburb near St Louis we have been getting too much rain, as far as I am concerned. I have had my crepe myrtles for several years now and have never seen such hard rain as we have had this summer, twice now the rain came down so hard it has stripped many of the flowers of my crepe myrtles.

    I thought it had damaged my zinnia blooms, too, but the other morning I discovered the culprits to blame for that are the most adorable yellow and black finches. They were stripping the petals and eating the seeds off of them as fast as they could. I wish my little fighting, dive bombing, sharp beaked hummingbirds would come and poke the goldfinches in the rear to get them off of the zinnias while there are still some flowers on them. The finches do leave the flower crowns bare of petals, maybe the hummingbirds can get some nectar out of the flower crowns.

    I think your Blue kitty likes to stop and smell the flowers, chase some grasshoppers, and smell all of the interesting other animal scents on his way home from your morning walks. I enjoy reading about Blue. He looks just like the first cat I ever had when I was a young girl. He came to me out on the street and I picked him up and he was so loving. All of the while the boy from across the street kept saying that cat probably has rabies; put it down. I said he didn't have rabies and named him Smokey. My family had him for years. He used to love his Little Friskies and got to be such a pretty cat. He got chubby enough to have a round face with full cheeks, and very plush short smoke blue fur.

    I am ready for some cooler weather right about now.


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