Monday, March 01, 2021

I've been lazy

I spent some time adding pictures to my Harlem entry that were lost when the old blog moved away from AOL, including the one of my mom and me meeting Pat Boone at the airport.  You might want to go back and see those pictures.  If so, it's right HERE.

But lazy is nothing new to me.   We are still not doing much of anything that would make an interesting blog entry.  I did make it to both churches yesterday morning; it's always nice to get with some other people for awhile, say hello, and share concerns.  I got a good reminder from my Bible reading this morning in Proverbs:  "Too much talk leads to sin.  Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."  Proverbs 10:19.  

Of course, I've never been known for keeping my mouth shut.  I've almost decided the taste of my foot in my mouth is rather enjoyable.   Uh... no, it isn't.  Usually foot-in-mouth means someone got their feelings hurt, and I was the source.  That's never a good feeling.  

I have no words of wisdom to share other than that proverb.  Anything else you see here today will likely be drivel.  I told Cliff I'd like to go to some warm beach for a couple of days and stroll barefoot in the sand and maybe wade in the water that is too shallow for sharks to inhabit, feeling the sun almost too warm on my shoulders.  Maybe the Georgia Gulf.  It would be pretty cheap to fly to Atlanta, rent a car, and drive south to the gulf.  Just two days, that's all I'd need.  Pretty soon I'll surf the 'Net for affordable places to stay down there, check to see how many southern mansions we could tour and where to eat... and then I'll make dinner at noon, knowing we aren't going anywhere for awhile.  

There's more than one way to travel, and sometimes it's just as much fun reading about a place, pretending you're going to go, as it would be to spend a fortune actually going.  I've planned many Colorado trips I knew we wouldn't be making!

I've decided the world has gone crazy.  It's broken and I see no way of fixing it.  So I must just accept the things I cannot change and enjoy my little small-town-and-country world.  I doubt if I'll ever vote again, except perhaps for local issues.

I'll see how I fare at raising a garden this year, maybe a little larger one.  I don't want to can anything, though.  I would love to buy a couple of Araucana pullets to lay some colored eggs for me, but there I'd be with chicks in the house again.  And believe it or not, two hens lay all the eggs we can use, most of the time.  Corona and her sister give me around a dozen eggs weekly.  I wish you could see Corona when I go outside to encourage them to go on into the chicken house after they've had two or three hours of freedom.  The rooster and the other hen can be driven, because they're not so tame.  But instead of going to the chicken house, Corona turns and runs toward me, and squats in front of me so I'll pick her up and carry her to the henhouse!  She only does this at twilight, never the rest of the day.  I have a hunch it's because when they were about half-grown, I would take them in a box to a pen in the morning and carry them back to the henhouse at night in the box... at twilight.  

What would I do without animals?  I can't even imagine.

I hope it's as  bright and sunny a day for all my readers as it is here.  Unless, of course, you're needing rain.  You know, even sunshine hurts if you get too much of it; into each life some rain must fall.  



  1. Yep, yep, yep... can you hear me agreeing with *everything* you said here, Donna? The luxury of simply staying on my own homestead and ignoring the rest of the world is a luxury never lost on me. I praise God for it every single day. I look out my window & watch the rest of the world go by. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. That's cute, what Corona does. I've never realized how vile and power hungry some people are. Or dishonest! These past few years have really opened up my eyes and discouraged me. I will continue to vote however. It's all I can do.

    1. Yeah, Hawley is already campaigning... in Florida. How much do you want to bet he stayed at a hotel belonging to Trump?

  3. My answer to your question of what you would do without animals is... a lot! Animals require a lot of time and regular maintenance so one can't go so far. After leaving the farm, I am quite happy to be unhitched from animals and can stray as far and do whatever I want, including staying at home and doing nothing!

    1. My husband wouldn't care if we never left home, and I care less all the time. I will, sooner or later, get rid of chickens (again). When they start to be an actually chore, I'll give or sell them to someone who wants them. I just don't know if I can live without a dog again. My dogs have, throughout my life, been the only "people", other than my husband, that give me unconditional love (and God, of course, but He's in a whole other class)

  4. Couldn't see anything on the link.
    Oh my goodness, Corona is so sweet and I would enjoy giving her a ride each night. Chickens can make good pets. I had some friends who took their chicken with them on vacations. Yep, they got a lot of attention.
    Fantasy trips sound fun and definitely in my price rananks--may try one. Thanks.

    1. Yes, it even happened to me. For some reason, the link I copy for that entry changes into a longer link that leads to... NOTHING! I added the Pat Boone picture to today's entry.

  5. Beautiful day here also. I didn't have to use the sledge hammer to break the creek ice for the cows - only the shovel...improvement! I also only have a few layers -- enough to keep me and my kids in eggs. I have one like Corona who is super friendly...also do have a meanish tom turkey...only keeping him in hopes of some fertile eggs this spring. I've been thinking of getting a puppy this spring...omg...Cowboy Corgi they are called here - 1/2 heeler and 1/2 corgi -- supposed to be good livestock dogs....we will see. Here's to warmer, better times!

    1. Those Corgis seem to be very popular. I don't like their looks much, but that's just a matter of taste. Actually, crossed with a heeler, that sounds like it might turn out to be a beautiful dog.

  6. I tried to go back to see your photos with Pat Boone, but it says it no longer exists. Darn.

    1. The same thing happened to me! The original link is still there, the one below this entry. But when I copy the link to that entry, it changes to a slightly longer bunch of characters and the result is... nothing! I did put the picture on this morning's entry.

  7. I always love reading your blog! That is so sweet how your hen comes to you to be picked up! We will be getting rain here in a little bit. I hope you have a good day!


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