Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Why my blog will never be famous

Yes folks, I'm aware of the fact that I'm a run-of-the-mill blogger.

The problem is, I'm lazy.

I'm too lazy to bother changing the look of my blog.

I'm too lazy to put a new picture at the top of my blog; not to mention that my husband loves seeing that picture when he comes to read this drivel, and I'd hate to take it down and disappoint him.

I'm too lazy to learn HTML, or any of that stuff that would make this spot on the web a little more interesting. In fact, there are some things on this silly page that I would take off, if only I knew how. I'm that bad.

But perhaps it's for the best. I'm not sure I could deal with 2,000 comments a day anyhow... I'd probably be too lazy to read them! Oh, and besides, I've noticed that the more popular a person is as a blogger, the more open she is to criticism. Criticism makes me curl up in a corner and suck my thumb for hours.

So now you know.

I will say, though, that I like the little circle of readers I've accumulated here. So let's just say I go for quality rather than quantity, shall we?


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    As i've told you before i love your blog. You are always the first one i read every day. I like your layed back simple country life style. Yes it maybe boring to some but you can't please everyone. Besides if they don't like it they know what to do with the little X in the top right hand corner. I think you are pretty cool. And i love your pic at the top of the blog.

  2. Aww...quit comparing yourself. Diversification is what makes the world great. Besides that some people have tons of time and money to throw at blogging. Perhaps other things like your family, horses, and weekend rides are more important to you. :-)

    P.S. I like the picture at the top of your blog too.

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I don't want you to change a thing!

  4. I'm with you... quality over quantity! My blog will never pull in numbers enough to make it a 'paying' proposition, and I'm good with that. I might not get 1000 comments, but I also seldom get anything but the 'good' comments from people I've come to know. I'll take that any day over fame.

  5. You're quite famous with JameeForever, Donna! xoxo

  6. Lazy is good, but it can cause confusion... witness your question in a comment at the Snooze. In reply, no, I am still in Louisiana, currently living in motels while the trailer is in the shop. So it goes...

    Don't worry about the others -- your blog achieves its purpose.

  7. Well I like your blog & the pic at the top :)

  8. You are so NOT run-of-the-mill!! Do not change a thing.

  9. You are not run of the mill. I love your blogs. I love you!


I love comments!