Wednesday, August 07, 2024

We're having a break from the heat

For two days we've had the low 80's, and for the next four days, highs are expected to be in the 70's!  Of course we still can't get a rain, but I ought to be used to that by now.

I've had several books on hold waiting my turn to read them on the ipad. Lately it seems three or four come at once.  Thank goodness I can choose to let a book go to the next person in line and get it later.  I just finished Kristin Hannah's latest book, The Women, about the nurses who  because it's about the nurses in Vietnam during the conflict in the 60's and 70's, and it's so depressing.  The author does a good job of describing clothing and mentioning the songs popular at different times, and the story line is interesting.  I'm glad I have two light, funny books to read new:  A Farewell to Arfs, by Spencer Quinn, and Funny Story by Emily Henry.

I have tried and tried to get some decent pictures of my goats, but they are so hard to photograph!  I try to take a chair out to the pen and sit with them for awhile, which they love.  Louise, the kid goat, jumped up in my lap and just stood there, which didn't feel great on my lap; I finally got her lying down, and she stayed there quite a while.  Her mother stood beside us.  Finally they tired of visit and went off to eat some hay.  Here's one picture I got.  Every time I get done visiting and leave them, they act like they are begging me not to go.  Louise, the daughter, is on the left of her mother, Thelma.  Louise has such blue, blue eyes, I wish I could get a close-up.  Her mom is brown-eyed.

Just as I was putting those words on here, Cliff came to the rescue so he could take some pictures.

I'm not choking her, I just wanted her to face the camera.

Gabe is a little jealous

Here they are standing at the gate as I leave

Cliff took a LOT of pictures, but guess what?  Goats do not cooperate with his picture-taking any better than they do with mine.


  1. Those are pretty goats. Their eyeballs sure stick out a bit from their heads. Yep, Gabe is having troubles adjusting, but he still gets to go inside! Linda in Kansas

    1. Blue, the cat, has also started going in the goat pen with us.

  2. I love your dress, Donna and that's wonderful weather. We're having a stretch of 70s and 80s too right now. Perfect temperatures for me! The goats are very cute.

    1. On hot days that's the kind of thing I wear at home. I never wear a dress away from home, but I love my Hippy dresses for working in the garden on a very warm days. When Cora comes she tells me those types of dresses are nightgowns.

  3. I've been getting a lot of garden work done these last couple days with the cool temps. I suppose we have Debby, i.e. Hurricane Debby, to thank for these cool temperatures sticking around for awhile.

    1. Tropical storm Debby to YOU, mister.

  4. Those goats really make you happy. Maybe we should call you 'Heidi'!

  5. Bettina11:47 AM

    Aren't they pretty! Thank you Cliff for taking pictures!

  6. Anonymous1:21 PM

    We are a little cooler here, but already 91 at 1. Does your dog want to chase the goats? They are pretty.Galla Creek

    1. No, Louise, the kid, wants to chase him.

  7. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Lucky goats to be able to spend them time being loved. Now you need some ducks.

    1. I've had ducks before. I'd rather have some chickens, but my husband and grandson gave their all fixing up a nice place for goats; I don't think it would be right of me to do what they would have to do just to make a place safe for chickens.


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