Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tomatoes? Bah Humbug!

I'm ready to give up on the garden.  We had a month of great tomatoes, but that's over now and blight wins.  I love having green beans anytime I want them, but to keep them coming I have to water them, and I so tired of doing that.  On the bright side, okra pods have finally started showing up.  But I'm tired of doing so much work without much reward.  And really, how much fried okra should we eat?  Cliff is very happy that he's lost a lot of his belly lately.  

Cliff and I noticed that West Wing was streaming on Max a couple weeks ago, so we are watching it for the third time.  I have never tired of that show; it's my all-time favorite.  I love every person in the superb cast, and it feels like the real thing!  Also, we have learned a lot about politics just by watching West Wing.

Also, we've watched two preseason Chiefs games, and they have some amazing new players.  Our quarterback Patrick Mahomes only gets better as time goes by.  The team is hoping to win another Superbowl, but of course hoping doesn't necessarily do the job.  I'm anxious for the regular season to get here September 5.

Travis Kelsey is still dating Taylor Swift, and there's a rumor she will be spending some time in Kansas City with him until mid-October.  That's neither here or there in my case, but I'll bet some swifties will be trying to spot her if she's around.

I watched some of the convention last night, and then this morning I checked CNN to find out how many lies were told the first night.  That's one thing I appreciate about CNN:  They report the lies on both sides!  It's no secret that all politicians lie, or will at least stretch the truth until it breaks.

I try to spend at least half an hour every evening sitting in a chair in the goat pen.  I take the girls some sort of treat, so they are always glad to see me:  A handful of green beans, or graham crackers given a small piece at a time does the job.  Usually at some point the daughter, Louise, wants in my lap.  Even Thelma tries, but she is heavier and larger and I don't have room for her on my lap.  It's sort of peaceful out there, with Blue the cat, Gabe the dog, and the goats hanging around wanting to be petted.

And that's about it, except that Cora will be here sometime today.  School starts for her next week and we won't be seeing her so much then.  She has spent a lot of time "horsing around" this summer.  When she's on a horse, that's her happy place.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I'm ready to give up on the garden as well. The opossums are getting what tomatoes are out there, so I'm ready to quit on that as well. The blight is bad on them here too. I did plant more green beans and some turnips, so I guess I will soldier on with those. Rebecca in SW MO

    1. No sooner that I wrote all this post, I said, "Cliff, I'm just going to water that one row of green beans." He said, "I just read that you were going to stop doing that." I told him I changed my mind.

  2. I love green beans and never tire of them but if I had to water them all the time, I might give up too.

  3. Might be great if I were canning them, but we have just been eating them every day, sometimes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm afraid they wouldn't be good long enough to last long.

  4. I know what you mean about the green beans, mine are scraggly looking after being gone so much. I ended up with over a dozen tomato plants, but very few tomatoes. Some of them just died after only one tomato. My okra just never came up. The weather is so unpredictable. We have had a very cool day and our nights have been downright cold.

  5. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Cora and you have love of horses in common.

    1. Her mother and her father have horses, so it's no surprise. Her mom especially keeps her busy doing all kinds of horsey things all summer long.

  6. I've even given up on tomatoes. Squirrels, rabbits, too dry, too wet. It's easier, and probably cheaper in the long run, to buy them from someone I know at the farmers market.
    I like okra pickles, gumbo, okra in green beans, stewed with tomatoes, and of course, fried.

    1. I do have a recipe for okra and tomatoes, and one for gumbo that is healthier than the real thing, albeit not as good as the real thing... but we like it. However, I need to get some canned tomatoes first. I did freeze some tomatoes in freezer bags, but not many. There aren't many foods that I don't like!

  7. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I always wanted to garden. But I have brown thumbs not green. So I lust after fresh out of the garden veggies and herbs. I love reading about your garden. Blessings, Penny

  8. She looks very grown up on that horse. Very confident.

    1. She's more like a teenager now instead of a kid, at the age of 11. Kids grow up so fast! She was very excited that she gets to have a locker, and will go to several different rooms every day.


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