Monday, April 17, 2023

When will it end?

Killings at a Sweet Sixteen birthday party yesterday.


  1. Where do these insane murderers get the guns?? Nothing seems to stop them. Nobody is safe.

  2. It won't, not in this country with our love of guns, assault style ones especially and some people's fight against any sort of regulation. The rules work in other countries where they have all the same issues, except for extremely permissive gun ownership. The number of weapons (legally and easily obtained) and the laxity seem to cause many gun deaths, imagine that.

  3. "It wasn't the gun, it was the one holding the gun." My answer to that is that the holder of the gun could not have used it if it wasn't there. I will never understand the big romance our country has with guns.

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    If you read the amendment with the knowledge of the times, you will realize that it was meant the militia had to have guns to do defend again the British and the Indians. They had no standing army in that day and no police force. This is Margie from Margie's Musings...not anonymous!!.


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