Monday, November 23, 2020

Oh happy day!

 I have practically driven myself crazy trying to figure out why I can't answer individuals' comments on my blog.  Many people using Blogger have that option enabled, but I simply could not figure out they were doing it.  Today I must have worded my Google search in the proper manner, because look at this!

Here's how to enable it:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Scroll down to Safari and tap it.
  3. Scroll down to "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking."
  4. Toggle it on so it's green.
Sep 20, 2017

So there you have it, my Google blogger friends.  I wish someone had told me how to do this years ago.
So, if you ask me a question, I can answer it directly below your comment!  It's the little things that make me happy.  
I already added my entry for the day, but I had to share this.  We can have conversations now!


  1. Conquering even the littlest of technological issues makes my entire day!! *haha* So glad you got this victory, Donna, against the Technology Beast! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. That's excellent! I would like to be able to add emojis to my typepad posts but don't think I can. I might need to ask typepad. You would think a paid service would have all the bells and whistles.

    1. I have that option, but emoji's just remind me of Facebook. LOL. I'm still scrubbing Facebook from my brain.

  3. Northern AB gal1:38 PM

    Two thumbs up!!!

  4. It always gives me a charge when I can figure something out for myself!

    1. Yes, and the older I get, the bigger charge I get from success.

  5. A most fortuitous turn of events! Deserves what my grandsons call a Grammy High Five!

    1. Indeed! For years I've seen other bloggers have this option, but try as I might, nothing worked for me. That's because the answer I needed wasn't on blogger help at all. Oh, they had the question asked and gave answers, but none were the answers that would work for me. That's what makes it so rewarding... I had to wait so long to figure it out!


I love comments!