Monday, November 30, 2009

Fresh pasture

Cliff sowed the former alfalfa field with three kinds of grass seed a few weeks ago. Rains have been plentiful, and the grass grew nicely. We've always kept this patch surrounded by electric fence anytime there's a crop growing.

Some time this winter after a snowfall, Cliff will inter-seed clover into the grass that's already established... grass that has grown so tall that he's afraid the little clover seeds might not make it through the dense growth to the earth. So he figured it wouldn't hurt to graze it some. The horses don't need it. But Bonnie could use it, and cows don't nip grass right to the ground like horses do. The problem was this: how to give Bonnie access and yet keep the horses out.

So Cliff fixed up this rather elaborate entryway to allow Bonnie and Sir Loin to safely get into the plot without the slightest risk of getting shocked. It only took one can of feed to lure Bonnie in the first time, and she's been going in and out to her heart's content ever since. The horses haven't even attempted it.

Unfortunately, Sir Loin refuses to enter. He waits patiently for Mom to come back out. By George, it's been his experience that when you get too close to that area, it hurts.

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me," he thinks smugly as he chews his cud and waits for his milk source to join him.


  1. He is a smart little bugger. No getting shocked for him. Helen

  2. Oh poor Sir Loin! He must be drooling over that nice green grass. Smart little guy though. Your turkey looks great. I have never dared to cook one uncovered, I always cook it in a roasting pan or covered with tin foil. Guess I'll have to give it a try!

  3. What a darling name,"Sir Loin"! I love it! What beautiful land and green pastures!! Lovely!!

  4. I guess he knows that Mom will provide. I bet she is loving the green grass.


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