Friday, January 13, 2012

The Herd

As you can see, the cows are now a herd.  Babe is indeed the boss.  She is also eating me out of house and home... or I suppose I should say barn and pasture.  The larger the animal, the more calories they need to consume.  Hopefully we have plenty of hay to get these beggars through the winter.  
There is a problem we often have with new animals on the place:  They have to learn how to drink from our in-ground waterers.  This was no problem with Babe, though, because Cliff's brother has the same type of waterers; it's what she was already used to.

Her first day here she knew exactly what was behind that black rubber curtain.

She had no trouble at all pushing it back with her nose to get a drink.  

Babe only has one other thing to learn, and it really isn't essential:  The pasture behind the house has a lot of alfalfa in it, so we don't want the horses going in there due to the risk of founder.  It's surrounded by electric fence, which Babe is familiar with.  We want the cows to be able to graze there, so Cliff has fashioned a walk-through entry that's big enough for the cows but not tall enough for horses.  Clyde, Bonnie's calf last year, never entered that pasture; he was always afraid to go through the opening, so he'd graze with the horses while his mom grazed the good stuff; it certainly didn't hurt him, because he is delicious.  We'll wait and see whether Babe ever goes in with the other cows.


  1. Looks like you don't have much snow at all there. Here it is snow covered and drifting. Just got in from shoveling. Whew! Was good exercise any way. Hope that new cow goes in where that alfalfa is. Would help satisfy some of that huge appetite.

  2. Four now! Yes, that's a lot of hay and grain! Thankfully we had a good hay crop this year so it wasn't as high as it has been. I also gave my hay guy two new harnesses that I had for Kip and Skip before he died so didn't need them any more. The hay guy cut a couple of dollars apiece of the hay. Good deal.


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