Thursday, November 11, 2021

I feel winter coming

Yesterday when Gabe and I went walking in the woods, the sky was cloudy; but even with the gray sky, a lot of the trees looked like pure gold shining around me.  I took some pictures, despite the clouds.

looking far across the Missouri River to Ray County

Autumn Foxtails

Today, a lot of those leaves are on the ground from the wind and rain we had last night.  We received a full inch of rain.

Concerning yesterday's blog entry, I finally remembered Vickie, the person who kept my poem all those years.  Once I realized who she was, I remember a lot of things about her; she was my favorite co-worker that one season in the apple shed, a compassionate woman with a lot of class.  She died at age 64 in a house fire last summer, I learned, and here's what her daughter told me concerning the poem:  "The fact this poem even exists is a miracle....Mom passed in a fire and there was so little that we were able to salvage. I found it with 2 old bibles in a box."

Today is a bright, sunshiny day, but colder weather is coming soon. We're having cornbread and beans today and probably tomorrow too, because I'm cooking a lot of beans. Hush now, I know what you're all thinking.



  1. It's looking pretty bleak alright

  2. This story gave me chills, Donna, about your poem that emerged from the housefire that took your friend. Absolute chills! May she rest in peace. And yes, our landscape is looking the same. Winter is coming down the lane very very quickly! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. So sorry how your friend lost her life and it is just amazing that your poem survived. That was meant to be.

  4. So young to die! Fire is terrifying and destructive so it's incredible that your poem survived. It's looking like we'll have a winter full of rain. Lots of it.

  5. My greatest wish is to be a positive force in others’ lives, but I seem to do so little.

    1. You did your best work when you were raising your children. Seems as though your children and grandchildren are solid citizens, and I'm sure you had a lot to do with it.

  6. The cornbread and beans sounds delicious to me. It's one of my favorite meals. The wind and rain has blown down a lot of leaves here to and they say we'll be having snow by Sunday here. I'm not mentally ready for winter, but yess it is coming.

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  8. So sad to die in a fire. my mom's identical twin sister died from a fire. She lived 10 days I believe. Tragic.
    I love beans and cornbread but no one else will eat them with me. I failed my kids cause none of them will eat baked beans...haha! Wendy


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