Monday, January 30, 2012

Trying to figure this out

Most of my blog entries show me that nobody Facebooked or tweeted them.  I've gone for days with nary a tweet on anything.  Not that I am surprised by that, since honestly there isn't much on this blog that is tweet-worthy.  
But my goodness, let me do what I consider a pretty boring entry about church attendance and I am FAMOUS.  
OK, maybe not famous, but the entry I did yesterday already has had one tweet and six Facebook shares.  It was pretty much the same with all the entries I did on the subject of attending church.  
Just something to add to the list of things that make me go "Hmmmm".    


  1. I'm telling you, that is a subject a lot of people are interested in but don't like to talk about. Aren't we taught that religion and politics don't make for polite conversation? Ha!

    Hope your country day is a great one. I think we're all having the same weather today. Not a bad way to bring January to a close.

  2. Conversations of Church get people talking. It's the natural state of things. take care.

  3. It is odd, you just never can tell what is going to interest people. Have a good Monday.

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Something you said must have resonated with folks, eh? Something you said must have caused them to think "Me too!".

    I love it when that happens. :)

  5. Funny how people think, isn't it? You just never know what will turn the crank ~

  6. (Me? I'm hoping Hyperblogal--David--has some more fun with your header right now, personally).

  7. Troublemaker!!! Instigator!!!

  8. I have been just about falling off my chair reading the comments about your Photo shopping friends picture of the tanks and all in your pasture! What a hoot!

  9. I love reading your blog but I never shared it on FB because I wasn't sure if you would want me too. Now that I know, I will share! Have a good week.

  10. Missie, I'm out here in front of the whole world all the time, so if somebody shares me on Facebook it's my own fault.

  11. I'm always lurking and looking Mo Rage....


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